Top 100 podcasts Charts

WSJ's Take On the Week - Podcast Rankings and reviews

WSJ's Take On the Week
WSJ's Take On the Week The Wall Street Journal
Position Change Category Country
6 ▼ 2 US
147 ▼ 16 US

Business News - Last 7 Days Ranking

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

MTB716 03/24/2024
Dion Rabouin brings enthusiasm and intelligence to deliver an informative and engaging podcast. Not afraid to question the top business leaders and economists, Mr. Rabouin provides a compact yet detailed weekly review focused on the top stories and their impact on the economy. His preparation and energy result in a must-listen-to show to be better informed on issues and opportunities.
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Msb-taken 09/21/2023
I’ve been following dion rabouin videos online and I’m glad to have a podcast I can listen to as well. Mr. Rabouin does an excellent job of interpreting data in an engaging and accessible way.
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Jessicacx 09/24/2023
Appreciate Dion’s clarity and thoughtful insights on market and economy. He is one of the best I’ve seen at breaking things down in an entertaining and informative way. Keep up the great work!
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why??$?? 02/12/2024
Good content usually but the interviewer’s constant use of “I” and “me” and “I agree with you” are very distracting and inappropriate. I’m here for the information, not Keith Olberman or Don Lemon level narcissism.
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This could be a good addition to the WSJ lineup, but the host is so hard to listen to. The only time I enjoyed this podcast is when there were the guest hosts. Then the normal one comes back and starts with a sentence that made me immediately regret tuning it, he goes “ yo fam what’s good!”. Listen no judgement on how you articulate in a informal setting, but this can’t be the host WSJ sticks with, if this man is the one writing content then cool but pick a different person to speak because I just can’t believe this is a professional podcast, it comes off way to informal and it insults the audience. I will be unfollowing this one for now but will check back in a few months to see if we have a new host. Hope you take this seriously, if this is what WSJ turns to I will be canceling all my WSJ affiliated accounts and you will lose others as well if you go this route. Stick to good quality information and please don’t try to “fit in” with the informal lazy crowd, because then you will get informal and lazy customers who will be more than happy to be informal and lazy when they don’t pay you.
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About WSJ's Take On the Week ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of WSJ's Take On the Week.


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