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We Hate Movies - Podcast Rankings and reviews

We Hate Movies
We Hate Movies WHM Entertainment
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TV & Film - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

ST00PS 09/03/2024
FYI - I am a listener who wants a podcast that doesn’t take long to get to the point. I actively listen to them and don’t just use them as background noise. I mention this bc I recognize that this is primarily why I’m giving this show a 3-star rating.

I didn’t hate the episode I listened to (American Pie), but I won’t be following this show. I listen to What Went Wrong, a movie podcast about what went wrong (and right) during the production of popular movies, and I love it, so I’ve been trying to find similar movie podcasts.

This is a group of guys that have solid chemistry that seem to have decided to start recording their recurring movie club meeting discussions in their entirety. Their commentary has very little post-production work so seemingly EVERYTHING is left in the episode, and it just drags on. But it doesn’t help that it takes 20 minutes for them to actually start discussing the movie they’re supposed to talking about. The discussions are mostly just each guys’ opinion on the movie, scenes, and characters.

You might like this podcast if you just want some background noise that you can ignore, and zone in and out. They have some funny discussions, but I’m looking for less meandering opinions and more insights into how a movie was made or little nuggets about it to help me appreciate a movie even more than I already do. This show is not for me, but can see why these guys have an audience.
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movielover71 07/19/2024
There are a lot of angry reviews about politics being slopped onto this page.

Don’t give them any mind. They’re not real listeners. We Hate Movies is as solid a listen as you’re going to get. Right up there with “Blank Check” and “The Rewatchables” for shows that sit at the intersection of “funny” and “knowledgeable”.

Subscribe. Listen to the back catalog. You won’t regret it.
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CloisFan10 08/03/2024
So funny, and basically writing a review to combat the fake review bombs who call it “political” or “woke”. Mentioning current events isn’t making something political, and they’re takes are hilarious - not to mention they don’t hold back on multiples end of the spectrum when tearing apart movies I don’t even hate. Keep it up guys!
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FastEJA 08/21/2024
Funny impressions, bits, and comedic movie references but done by guys that are actually film buffs so they’ll give you some great insights while you have a laugh.
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_The_Huckleberry_ 07/21/2024
I found this podcast from a recommendation on The Confused Breakfast. Maybe I caught the wrong episode but the first 30 minutes sounded more like a political pop culture podcast than a movie review podcast. I enjoyed when they finally started talking movies and shows but I just didn’t need the politics.
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