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War of the Roses - To Catch a Cheater - The Jubal Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

War of the Roses - To Catch a Cheater - The Jubal Show
War of the Roses - To Catch a Cheater - The Jubal Show The Jubal Show
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24 ▼ 2 US
135 ▼ 18 US

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Our curated selection of reviews

MollieSue101 07/09/2024
I have been a listener of this podcast for years and always find them so entertaining to listen to. Recently I’ve been noticing a lot of old recordings have been added and it is frustrating as I’ve already heard them so they’re really not new. I’d give 5/5 stars if they just stopped doing that! I’d rather have less postings if they only post the up to date ones - it’s always disappointing when I get excited to see a new addition to the podcast just to recognize it.
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Landhcfveleg 07/29/2024
Wish you guys would stop adding old episodes as if they are new. If you’re going to re-add them, at least mark them as a “classic” episode or something like that, letting us know that this is not a brand new episode. A little frustrating to queue up an episode only for it to be something that I’ve heard already.
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stoneyybaloneyy 03/31/2022
The calls would be way more believable if Jubal didn't use names that aren't even names during the calls. I definitely would question the validity of a call from someone named "Free Toll Bridge". It's just weird.
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vermicellimichelli 11/20/2023
I was a fan of Jubal when he was with Brook on 97.5; he was really funny and charming. It seems since he switched to the other station, he's very repetitive, not nearly as funny. I suspect he's getting bored.
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qovhenvlrvwdcwfb 08/30/2024
Repeats upon repeats…

As a long time fan of Jubal and his comedy career—even before he was on this station the first time, back when it was called Kiss 106.1 with Jackie and Bender… and through his years at Movin’ 92.5—I had higher hopes for this show, yet I’ve been sorely disappointed. Maybe give it a few years and it’ll finally be somewhat good, or at least consistent. Hope they let him do his thing and be as awesome as he was 8-10+ years ago. I will say, I do think Jubal and Nina are good cohosts together.
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Josh Breezzyy 02/05/2024
Used to be one of my favorite shows. Would listen to the full show daily… then it started getting bad. Would only listen to War of the Roses and Second Date Follow Up. Now? Can’t even get through those most times. More ads than actual content most times and nothing but repeat episodes. And not like oh this episode was 3 years ago. More like this was last weeks episode. It’s sad really. Hope they turn it around
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About War of the Roses - To Catch a Cheater - The Jubal Show ranking

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