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Not only do I laugh, but her commentaries really are such a relatable perspective on everyday life in America. It may be just about paying for extra condiments or plastic bag degradation over time in retail stores but it’s real! And she makes me laugh and feel understood. So GO OFF DELTA!
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I was CRACKING up listening to Delta’s rant about fireworks recently. I agree so much with her. She is a good interviewer, she let’s her guests actually talk and doesn’t constantly interrupt. She is respectful like that. I feel like I don’t genuinely laugh at much these days, so I enjoy this podcast which never fails to disappoint. Thanks Delta, I appreciate you so much and you really bring me joy!
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I’ve been a fan of all of the queens for a while now, but I got a little saturated with their various podcasts in 2020 or so. I listened to “Very That” back then and thought it was fine, but I wouldn’t miss it. Lately I heard that Delta was doing a terrific job on her own, and I Love Loosey, so I tuned in for an episode. What a terrific interviewer! She is tuned in to her guest and sounds like she is hanging on every word, actually having a terrific conversation. I’ll have to come back for more!
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Delta draws me in every time. I love her voice, her rants, and her conversational prowess. Spending time with Very Delta feels like hanging out with a good girlfriend…. love it!
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Delta’s show strength is the first half of the show when she rants about day to day situations, typically regarding shopping or eating experiences. The second half of the show which is the interview, it is always the same: clothes, food and perfumes. Delta never deviate from this topics, no matter the guest. If she and the guest are around her age and/or know each other from the past, then they will bring some anecdotes but it ends there. When she invited Margaret Cho and she started to discuss important hard topics, Delta quickly detour Margaret into talking about candles and the rest of the interview went in that direction. I don’t believe because a show is hosted by a drag queen the content should be shallow, perhaps the show producers wants Delta to only discuss superficial topics to avoid gruntled audiences not agreeing with Delta or her guests opinion, avoiding being cancelled.
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