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UNCOVERED - Podcast Rankings and reviews

UNCOVERED MeidasTouch Network
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40 ▼ 3 US

News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

History for All 03/14/2024
This is the most valuable podcast around in understanding the civic effects of propaganda in present-day America. Well-sourced with measurable data and evidence, it shines a bright spotlight on everything the legacy media is not focusing on but needs to — relentlessly and every day.
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rollamichael 03/28/2024
The more I listen to this pod, the more I appreciate. Ron’s depth of knowledge and clarity is refreshing. The U.K. influence keeps it balanced. More more!
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Ricky Niner 03/31/2024
Ron and Anthony make a great team. There is so much going on in the MAGA world and because of this it is very hard to keep up. I look forward to this podcast and appreciate the hard work both of you do to keep us informed.
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NotTheRealBatman 05/31/2024
I wrote a semi-critical review months back, with the expectations that it would never be seen let alone taken seriously. But, whether they saw it or not, every issue I had with the dynamic between the two hosts has been addressed. Ron and Anthony are able to discuss their differences in a constructive manner without relying as much on generalizations and hyperbole. As a result, I’ve really come to enjoy the two of them for having two vastly difference perspectives from which to observe the maga world. Ron is still the driving force behind the great content this podcast produces with his internet presence alone being so feared by the right that they often show their true colors while trying to deter him from simply observing them. Anthony on the other hand, has taken a more solidified host role and keeps the conversation and podcast moving without feeling like anything is being cut short or drawn out. The only thing now that I’d wish they’d consider is expanding the podcast out. It would be nice to have an extra episode a week, or at least a special episode for big events like Trump’s conviction, CPAC, Project 25, and other issues in the maga world that need to be placed under a microscope rather than just given a segment of an episode.
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makeupmyname 11/14/2024
While I appreciate Ron’s pro-democracy efforts, he’s just not a strong co-host. (He can come off as a bit banal. And he frequently rudely interrupts his co-host.) I think the show needs either three hosts or a Ron replacement. Anthony is excellent. He’d even be good solo. But he and Ron together don’t seem to be a pairing that works.
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