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Uncommon Knowledge - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Uncommon Knowledge
Uncommon Knowledge Hoover Institution
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80 ▲ 29 US

Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

DocTicToc 11/14/2022
Peter Robinson is truly a delight as an interviewer and host of this podcast. He is soo well informed about each subject. You can feel and see his constant efforts to gently direct the guest by asking questions so obviously thoughtful and extremely pertinent to each topic. He never interferes with the responses of the guest but rather expands the topic when needed. I am constantly in awe of his grasp of each topic.
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old lady geologist 02/02/2023
The podcast with guests Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray was excellent and provided a conversation most do not get to hear. It was one of Robinson‘s best.
Then, I listened to his conversation with the inestimable John Lennox, Michael Behe , and Stephen Meyer. I had to listen to it twice. These people are so interesting and their ideas transcend the current intellectual box all of us were raised up in, Scientific materialism.
As a trained geologist, I never questioned Darwinian evolution, but over time I kept running up against the wall that is described perfectly by these gentlemen. Thank you for bringing them together. I hope more people open up their minds.
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AndyFromConnecticut 07/05/2024
Outstanding series of pods regarding life in the 1960s during the civil rights movement. The antidotes are thought-provoking, compelling, balanced, and, yes, some even were funny. if they gave out Nobel prizes for educational pods, this one would win hands-down every year!
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buck06daliard 11/24/2022
Great content with thoughtful insights. Unfortunately some of the shows are recorded at such a low level that they are almost “unlistenable” if the listener has any ambient background noise. I follow several podcasts and this is the only one with this problem. The content is too good and too deserving - please increase the recording volume.
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Ken Stadlin 02/19/2023
I live with a conservative and am forced to try to expand my views. I have tried to listen to the shows, thinking that they might allow those with opposing views and equal intellectual accomplishment an occasional opportunity to present their views. Thus far I have never seen such an effort. I can see the logic and the arguments of the right. I want to understand them though I might not agree.

The intellectual capacities of the hosts are wasted on self congratulation of conservatives and the arrogant presumption that their arguments are correct simply because they are conservative without any presentation of opposing viewpoints. Lots of intellectual horsepower is wasted here. I wish this show had more depth.
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Dr g4tay 12/06/2023
The topic is exceptional, the delivery was frustrating w/ both guests talking over each other & occasionally all 3 talking over each other.

Peter, it is sometimes the case that the moderator has to moderate & control the discussion rather than be an engaged listenee.
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