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True Sunlight - Podcast Rankings and reviews

True Sunlight
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True Crime - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Riv'sLita 09/02/2024
Found out about your podcast late, but decided to go back to the beginning and listened with interest and sometimes edge of my seat tension. The combination of Liz and Mandy is stellar—journalism at its finest. David’s contributions are delightful and appreciated as well. You got me here through some rough times by being there to keep my mind occupied, so thanks extra for that! Keep spreading the sunlight!!
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Umbra Listener 09/03/2024
After listening to the latest True Sunlight, and Cup of Justice, I realized I am always sad when the episode ends because I have to wait a whole week for the next one. These two are by far, and I listen to many podcasts, my number 1 go to podcasts i listen to as soon as it comes out. The others can wait because the content you provide is thought provoking, educational, and scary sometimes when you see what is happening in our country. I am not from your part of the U.S., but I can see the issues you discuss happening everywhere and we need to be sure to bring it to light, change the law, speak up for all people who are treated poorly. Thank you for all you do!! Keep up the great work!
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MartyFree444 09/05/2024
I’ve been listening to you since the beginning and watching your journalism change outcome of a high-profile murder case was absolutely incredible. As a woman, it was also empowering. There’s nothing like sharing an episode of truths told by straight up and ethical journalists with someone who desperately needs to hear it. Even if they aren’t ready to hear the truth. Your unbiased work makes all the TRUTHS know. I appreciate how hard you work to shine light on all the actions the world as a whole has grown so accepting of. It gives me hope that people are waking up to the good ol boy system we’ve previously been cornered into surrendering to.
Honestly, y’all are so good it makes me concerned for your safety! We know enough about the system by now…so stay pesky! But also stay safe!! The world needs more truth tellers like y’all!
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👳 10/03/2024
As journalists, Mandy and Liz do a fantastic job of uncovering hidden details, documents, and subtleties of various legal cases while piecing them together to tell a complete story. They are especially skilled at explaining complex issues in a very easy-to-understand way. I think the podcast is greatly improved now that there is no longer the silly Shakespearean-style reading of documents and emails.

One critique that I think would make the podcast even better would be for Liz to adopt a more neutral delivery when discussing egregious and criminal behavior. Some of her comments are funny but her righteous tone diminishes the professionalism of the podcast and she comes off sounding self-important. Mandy, in contrast, comes across as much more professional, imo, while still being incredibly funny. The two have great chemistry and you can tell they have incredible respect for each other. Overall, great podcast that keeps evolving as they grow and learn.
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