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Triggered With Don Jr. - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Triggered With Don Jr.
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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

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truther27 02/03/2023
Exactly what I had hoped, a no holds barred podcast from someone not afraid of or beholden to the establishment. Much like the man himself, what you see is what you get! And thank God for that!
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rsearl02 06/04/2023
Regardless of your political leanings if you have pride in our country and want to be well informed this podcast will serve you well.
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ur momsfavorite 07/28/2023
Very interesting to listen to and normally funny, and the guests are spot on! Sometimes a little extreme, but other than that I love it!
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Shel Flock 01/26/2024
Excellent podcast. Fun, energetic, informational, and fast moving!
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Ardizz1977 02/18/2023
Don Jr. brings his bloviating cluelessness to bear on a podcast perfectly tailored for the angry, low-information MAGA leftovers from circa 2020. With such illustrious guests Marjorie Taylor Greene, Steve Bannon, and the ousted dictator Bolsonaro, Junior takes us on a journey into the addled world of the Right Wing Echo Chamber, wherein a whole host of imaginary outrages and fictional scenarios birthed in the Russian Propaganda Fever Swamps are meditated upon and given far more air than they deserve.

If you want to listen in real time to the sound of reason , sanity and democracy dying, by all means do subscribe to this podcast. If you had any shred of hope that these radical, treasonous, demographically doomed end-times sycophants are capable of redemption, this podcast will surely put the kibosh on that!

Sorry, Junior, the American people no longer want what you’re selling.
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id43 03/02/2023
I listened to Don Jr and MTG just for kicks. It was actually incredible. The amount of self awareness that these two display is actually funny. Don rants about AOC being lazy and not understanding work, then a minute later mentions living off of gas station sushi with a gas card his dad paid for. The level of hypocrisy is astounding. Don just seems like he wants to be relevant and sound smart (like when he butchers the term Occum’s razor “Ocman’s razor”, but MTG is just so spiteful. She is anger personified but somehow considers herself Christian. This conversation was beyond parody.
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