Top 100 podcasts Charts

The Wright Report - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Wright Report
The Wright Report Bryan Dean Wright
Position Change Category Country
116 ▲ 4 US
41 ▲ 3 US

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Ysroq 08/04/2024
I never miss an episode. Bryan is conservative but not an immature name caller. He presents facts relevant to today, then clearly states when he’s presenting his opinions. Nearly every episode considers global stories that could or do impact the lives of Americans. My favorite podcast, hands down.
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Kickandrim 10/14/2024
Super interesting and easy to listen to. He covers things that you don’t hear anywhere else and is able to give informed commentary from experience. Love this podcast!
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Froderick Fronkensteen 01/03/2025
This relatively little-known gem of a podcast provides a unique insight to major news items that often simply can’t be found elsewhere (and I mean from other, major providers like Beck and O’Reilly, both of whom I trust and follow).

Brian’s CIA background and acumen make for a focused presentation that punches well above its weight class. Coming from a viewpoint of national security and intelligence, it’s an indispensable source for news and analysis.

Highly recommended.
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DJ from Pittsburgh 07/15/2024
Of all of the podcasts I listen to, and there are a TON, this one is BY FAR the best! I get all of my daily information in 30ish minutes. I’m so much more informed than many of my family, friends, and any acquaintances. I’m even going to drop the unnecessary chatter podcasts I listen to and become a subscriber to TWR.
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8727385938165743 08/30/2024
Bryan regularly gets the facts and data wrong. Worse, he encourages his listeners to engage with him but then blocks those who call out his errors. Bryan portrays an air of objectivity but he is just the bottom shelf version of the ideological talking heads on TV (think Rachel Maddow). If you want real, objective news, I would recommend The President’s Daily Brief, Honestly (The Free Press) or something similar.
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Frustrating no bonus 11/17/2024
I was told this show was a guy who just shared the facts. Nope. Super biased. For example, he mentions so many facts about Matt Geatz except that he has been under investigation for statuary rape and fellow ultra conservative congressman have noted his exploits with complete disdain.
There are so many instances of ultra right bias; it’s not worth anyone’s time who takes news seriously.
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About The Wright Report ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of The Wright Report.


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