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The Watt From Pedro Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Watt From Pedro Show
The Watt From Pedro Show Mike Watt (solo artist, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Iggy Pop and The Stooges) playing some tunes and doing some spiel. Assisted by brother matt and coming to you from the wild kingdom at the pleasure point, in San Pedro California! TWFPS
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Mr. Edward Teach 08/27/2010
Watt's been holdin it down in Pedro now for years, making creative original music (with bands like the Missingmen, Secondmen, DOS, Hellride, Banyan, and oh yea that band called The Stooges!), as well as playing benefits to raise money for his local community, and even finding time to shoot some amazing photos that were featured in a show a while back at Track 16 Gallery in Santa Monica titled - "Eye Gifts From Pedro". On top of all this, he's got a killer radio program - "The Watt From Pedro Show" that is the finest collection of diverse music from all around the globe and some unique spiels from Watt on Cali livin, the punk scene of old, modern global music, the Minutemen years, and life after the Minutemen. His guests range from local favorites like Brother Matt to Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and everyone in-between. If you're sick of the typical radio dribble - lame generic music, cheese-ball radio hosts and the same song played 8 times in one hour, this is the podcast for you.

Keep up the good work Watt!
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Tom Thurber 02/20/2016
I really admire Mike Watt for sticking with this for so many years. I'm sure that putting together each show is a lot of hard work, but Mike and Brother Matt have outstanding work ethics and continue to crank out great shows on a regular basis.. By subsribing to this podcast, I learn about a lot of new artists who I wouldn't hear anywhere else. Mike and Matt have turned me onto a lot of cool music and for that I am thankful. Keep up the good work!
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michaeljordantouchdownpass 08/10/2017
Can anyone really dislike Mike Watt?
The music is actually pretty hit or miss, frequently pretentious, and Mike Watt talks over his guests constantly - but the show wins major points for charm. It's so much better to have someone making conscious decisions about which tunes are played than some stupid Pandora or Spotify playlist that's just running an algorithm based on what you've been listening to. He tends to kick the shows off with really good jazz.
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slugwind 03/14/2009
Listening to this makes me feel like I did when I was first turned on to punk rock as a youngster. The music is great and the speil is even better. Watt's heart is as big as his Econoline and he wears it proudly on his sleeve. Lots of love and respect for Watt and Brother Matt!
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