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The Watch - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Watch
The Watch The Ringer
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TV & Film - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Batos 02/08/2024
Love your podcast and all your takes. But you have to watch shows like True Detective with the subtitles on. You’re missing 1/3 very very very important information, if you’re not.
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ssdrafiki 02/26/2024
Saw some recent hate over this show, especially following the True Detective NC finale review. Figured I needed to get around to rating and offering up some love. Been a long time listener, as typically my views and critiques align with what CR and AG see. Tune in each week for their insights and suggestions, and rarely bored or disappointed. That said, I was a little taken aback by their high praise of TD NC at the start of the season. Given Issa Lopez was a guest host, I figured it only made sense they gave her the benefit of the doubt. What I loved was how honest the reviews were as things progressed. They didn’t cow down like most other critics, but told it like it is. Which means they pointed out the many flaws, but also the strengths. Exactly what you’d expect from a pod like this. Well done
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SuperAligned 03/03/2024
I only watch about half the shows they talk about but the beginning of the podcast is my favorite part. They’re both hilarious and clearly also really good friends. It’s delightful and always look forward to listening to a new episode. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
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Newrunner12 04/19/2024
They just crack me up sometimes. I don’t agree with every take (for example, I’m a huge Cowboys fan), but I always look forward to listening. Andy’s BlackT impression is the best thing I’ve heard since CR’s Wayne Jenkins. I think they should do a special event charity podcast completely as those characters… I bet people would pay to listen!
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SethFourTen 07/23/2024
I listen to this show at work to remind myself what I do every day is productive and helpful. I’m glad I don’t have to waste my life talking about inconsequential garbage that’s dated in a day and no one will remember in a year.
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Chengez 09/23/2024
Used to enjoy this show a lot but they’ve become pretty cranky and seemingly hate a lot of the stuff they cover now? Every IP based show is a slog for them but if it’s a Marvel action-comedy, they love it. Listening to less and less of their episodes these days because the takes have become boring and predictable at this point.
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