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The Victor Davis Hanson Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Victor Davis Hanson Show
The Victor Davis Hanson Show Victor Davis Hanson and Jack Fowler
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35 ▲ 3 US
10 ▲ 1 US

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2bRoger 12/15/2024

Jack's antics get fouler and fouler.

He's manages to make Professor Hanson's otherwise superb podcast unbearable. The superfluous interjections ("yeah," "right," "oh yeah!" etc.) disrupt and throw spanners into the poetry and logic of VDH's delivery. The obsequious giggling; the chortling; the garrulous prompts; the sound of heavy breathing: make it stop!

Perhaps his voice would be less grating if half the recording did not consist of Fowler wheezing through interminable ads with irksome intonation and insufferable inflection. Businesses should insist on a non-grating voice talent for the ads they pay for.

I may need to limit listening to weekend editions w Sami.

Jack Fowler is a smart, talented writer with many gifts. Serving as co-host to the great VDH, however, is not his forte, in my opinion.

His monosyllabic interjections -- e.g., "yeah"; "heh heh heh heh"; "ug"; "right"; "right"; "right"; &c. --are quite disruptive. He must be unaware that he's ruining the rhythm of Prof Hanson's expositions, and thereby spoiling the listening experience. How disappointing and unpleasant it is to hear VDH's mellifluous commentary so frequently pillaged by meaningless exclamations.

The long prompts preceding each topic seem to grow ever longer. Why not just say something like, "Please tell us your thoughts about _____." No one needs the interminable introductions and explanations. I get the sense from other reviews that my irritation w JF is shared by many.

These problems are easily remedied. I hope Mr Fowler will heed the suggestions of many reviewers and curtail his commentary to let the professor speak!

I know a lot of reviewers complain about Mr. Fowler's garrulousness, but I will not mention that in a review, as it would be disrespectful to a fine intellect and writer. (Practicing my rhetorical devices, haha)

2) Jack Fowler (10/17/24 show) referenced a hearing in the appeal of New York's property-appraisal case against President Trump. Mr. Fowler said the hearing took place in the "high court" of New York. If he's referring to the hearing on Sept 24, 2024, he's mistaken. That hearing took place in the Appellate Division, which is the mid-level appellate court. The "high court" in New York is the Court of Appeals. (For reasons too tedious to explain, the trial court, the lowest level in the hierarchy, is called, absurdly, in my view, the "Supreme Court.")
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Wade says 12/16/2024
Victor Davis Hanson provides exceptional commentary on current events. He provides meaningful insights on WWII and other historical developments. He understands the working people in the US. Highly recommended.
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dgforchrist 12/08/2024
Victor Davis, Hanson show is very refreshing and informative. He doesn’t yell rant rave. He just speaks, matter-of-factly the truth. He draws you in to listen two real logic, real understanding without belittling anyone. The truth always wins, and God bless you, Victor Davis, Hanson for all you do
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Timsgal 12/08/2024
The comparison on the December 6th episode was just brilliant. Made me want to go back and rewatch to enjoy all the contraptions sent from “Acme” with a whole new perspective.
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