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The Tom Woods Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Tom Woods Show
The Tom Woods Show Tom Woods
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126 ▼ 31 US

Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Jc62584 08/13/2023
Despite what some might claim every episode is full of interesting information. Great guests, easy to digest explanations and great production quality. This podcast is always a regular in my rotation. Tom puts a lot of effort into making this a great show and you can tell by it’s all around quality.
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novemberland1 08/31/2023
Tom Woods is an excellent representative of the Libertarian movement. Fact-filled broadcasts with terrific guests. Tom is rational, opinionated and very, very bright. If you value individual liberty, seek truth and virtue, then this is a great podcast. Tom explores and disrobes the propaganda that swirls around in the narratives of corporate and social media streams, and does so without shouting, ranting or generating more fear porn.
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nar20 04/11/2022
Woods does a great podcast, and it’s very impressive that he can put out quality content 5 days/week without it getting stale. The wide group of guests makes every episode interesting, though there are the occasional guests that are a bridge too far. On the most recent Lew Rockwell podcast, Lew goes off on a lame conspiratorial tangent about Satanism that made no sense. Not the first time for this type of irrationality, but it is rare. I am a solid libertarian and understand that the movement does buy into conspiracies more than other groups, and not all of them are bad, but I think Woods should do a little more to minimize these kind of incidents because they make the movement less credible.
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Jeffrey Purtee 01/20/2024
Entertaining and informative. Tom Woods is THE libertarian show against which all others - many of the quite good - are compared. So glad that COVID exploded Tom’s audience and brought him to a whole new audience.
Never miss an episode.
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KB2846 11/02/2023
Just unfollowed this show after years of listening. His guest from the Ron Paul Institute flat out lying about and dismissing Hamas war crimes as propaganda without Tom’s pushback was the last straw. You can be antiwar and also not a war denialist. Rapes occurred on 10/7. Babies were beheaded. People were mutilated and tortured. This is not propaganda. We have testimonies from medical professionals. I can’t in good conscience listen and not wonder why he rightfully brings up Israel’s war crimes but calls all Hamas’ war crimes propaganda. It reeks of antisemitism.
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JoeMac7345 08/12/2022
I find Libertarianism frustrating because it’s relentlessly negative. There are some good ideas buried in there, but the tone of your message needs to change if you want to win people over. Unless you think anyone who doesn’t already agree with you is too stupid to bother with. That’s what it seems like sometimes.
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