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The Strong Women Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Strong Women Podcast
The Strong Women Podcast Colson Center
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199 ▼ 56 US

Our curated selection of reviews

fab5 of KS 08/21/2024
Finding this podcast has been such a blessing! Every episode becomes my new favorite. What I especially love is it’s for all ages of women. Whether you are young, married, single, divorced, empty nester, retirement age, grandparent; you will gain more insight about your faith. My reading list continues to grow based on all the recommendations, which is another big plus. Whenever ask to recommend a podcast this is the one I give. I love being a woman so much more from listening!
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StephRLA 11/06/2024
A huge thank you for a podcast that has enriched my thinking, theology, identity, and relationship with the Lord for about two years now. The variety of stories of amazing, strong women glorifies God and calls me live more boldly for Him This week’s podcast with your hubbies was excellent and it tied in with the Summit Ministries Church curriculum I'm helping teach to a little crew of 2nd -5th graders: how God made humans in His image and "very good!" We are made very good as boys and girls!! Who thought this would be a revolutionary thing to say to children? Yet, here we are. This is one of my spheres of influence and I will use it to speak truth in love. Thank you! And thanks to your strong men!
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CLJacobsen 10/30/2024
This podcast has been LIFE CHANGING! I’ve only been listening for 6-8 weeks but my world has been rocked. Each of the guest speakers has made such an impact. And recently all the testimonies on abortion have really impacted my view on the blessing of children. And how our world has such a wrong view of family and children. I am so incredibly thankful for how God has used this podcast to continue shaping and strengthening my views on womanhood and motherhood. Thank you so much for this ministry!
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KH5Love 11/04/2024
I love this podcast and look forward to it coming out every week. As a strong woman i appreciate hearing the stories of other strong women and hearing how they are changing the world while still thriving in their homes. True strength to me is balancing and succeeding at both while changing the world for God. I am looking forward to who I get to meet next!
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