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The Ringer NFL Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Ringer NFL Show
The Ringer NFL Show The Ringer
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54 ▲ 21 US

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Our curated selection of reviews

Dillrange 01/26/2024
I have been listening to Ringer NFL on-and-off for the past few years. I never felt compelled to write a review for any podcast that I listen to, but I must say- Extra Point Taken is officially a must-listen for me and has been all season. When a new episode comes out I will drop whatever I’m doing to go do a mindless chore or walk on the treadmill so I can listen to it if I’m not in my car. Sheil and Ben have fantastic chemistry and when I listen to how good the product is I am just surprised it’s free. I think some of Ben’s takes and phrasing are just a part of my subconscious now and I love talking NFL because I feel like I know so much. Kudos to Ben and Sheil and the Ringer for recognizing the chemistry of these 2 talented podcasters. They are MJ and Scottie; Kobe and Shaq. Lightning in a bottle.
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Chaz9614 09/01/2024
With Solak gone now, the hosts they have now simply don’t have chemistry with each other. I think they’re all fine analysts, but Solak and Sheil had the best chemistry and best show concept and he seems lost and uninterested in talking with any of the other hosts. There’s no banter or back and forth, they just talk. I’ve started listening to some ESPN pods for the first time ever, following Solak over there, and it’s been a lot better. The Ringer Fantasy Football guys is the chemistry everyone on this show should strive for.
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Qpsyebd 11/07/2023
Sheil and Ben are great because they’re both extremely knowledgeable and entertaining. Plus they have the perfect balance of respect for each other and tendency to get on each other’s nerves that makes for fun listening.
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hndynsty duude 02/14/2024
Top tier NFL show. I was scared when Kevin Clark and that other dude left but gotta say I like all of them and their personalities and insights and don’t mind the podcast by committee. Now, is it hard to listen to Ben Solak at certain times of day or if I’m feeling some type of way? Nah. Dude is actually hilarious. At first it was a bit much and seemed like a put on but no, I really think he is that much of a football dork. Like foreal foreal. Credit where it’s due, the guy is funny. So is Steven Ruiz. I just don’t ever want to see what he looks like in person because it will ruin the image in my head which is basically a mix between The Dude and Newman in Jurassic Park.
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L.E.Dodgers 09/30/2024
Started and stopped listening this season and this is why: Lee and Ruiz have to stop being such haters, essentially. Jayden Daniels played phenomenally against the Bengals and Cardinals, for instance, and if we excited fans listened to the show to find out why — or at minimum have them acknowledge the fact — all we got instead was them dismissing him and Kingsbury while trying to make their previous takes about them right. But if Caleb Williams throws for 157 yards, because he’s apparently their guy, he’s the next Mahomes.

I started listening in hopes of becoming smarter about the NFL, and instead encountered two folks more concerned about convincing us how smart and right they are. And consistent exposure to their “Yeah, but…” take mentality toward seemingly anything positive has become too exhausting for me to continue listening. I don’t mean this to be overly critical and they all seem like great guys and wonderful professionals. That’s not the point. Feedback is important for everyone to improve and this is just my honest review of what I’ve heard since I started listening this season. Hopefully it will get through and best of luck to everyone in the future.
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Hbnpizza 12/06/2023
This review is specific to the dual threat podcast. They have a group of 5-6 nfl QBs they deem worthy, and dismiss the rest of the the teams in the league. Doesn’t matter how well a team is playing. If the QBs last name isn’t Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, Jackson, etc. then the team inevitably will fail due to QB play. That’s the premise of this podcast more or less.

The guys that do the props and picks show on Friday are worth a listen but I’d skip dual threat.
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