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The Rachel Maddow Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Rachel Maddow Show
The Rachel Maddow Show Rachel Maddow, MSNBC
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35 ▲ 5 US
12 ▲ 1 US

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Our curated selection of reviews

tekmo 06/18/2021
Well-researched, excellently delivered analysis of the day’s headlines. If you do nothing more than listen to TRMS daily, you’ll be better-informed than 95% of your fellow Americans. Maddow is whip-smart, well-educated, insightful, empathetic, clever. Absolutely the best in the biz.
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VictoriaRose 07/16/2021
Thank you for sharing this show on podcasts Rachel, it is one way I stay connected to home after 7 years of living abroad. Such good content, such care taken to present the important stories you bring us. 10/10
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rickhinbarrington 12/15/2022
There is no other podcast I listen to that gives me both context (historical, political, psychological et al) and the vital facts I need to understand an issue or player in our complicated world

Commentary that is entertaining, profoundly eye opening and consistently provocative

I’m a devoted fan of her show, her podcasts and her books
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Miki#1 07/23/2023
Rachel Does her homework and connects the dots. She gives you the background and foundation of the issues. Her methodology is to lay a foundation, lay out the dots over this solid foundation, tie the dots together, and then start knitting the facts together to form a fabric that is solid solid fact—not presumption. Her show is not a series of spurious headlines. Rachel’s show is class for the day with Rachel as educator.
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Griffis1969 10/14/2022
This was my go to podcast every morning. There is simply no one better at longform journalism than she is. I always wished that she would be more impartial as a journalist and her declarations of being a liberal on air always seem to taint her impartiality and credibility in my opinion.But now I think she’s actually gone too far. She’s actively fundraising for the Democratic Party with commercials on her podcast clearly endorsed by her. While I totally agree with her political views, I need my journalists to be impartial during a broadcast and she has completely abandoned any pretense of doing so.
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Apache64driver 11/29/2022
I have small kids and unfortunately most nights I miss the beginning half of her show because I'm putting them to bed. So, I love being able to download this show the next day and listen to all of it on my drive into work. I feel smarter when I leave my car. Rachel has a knack for comparing past events to our current political news and putting it all in perspective. While these guest hosts are OK, they’re not the reason I watch MSNBC. If Rachel Maddow is no longer on this, I will not be subscribing and only downloading the Monday episodes.
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