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The Michael Knowles Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Michael Knowles Show
The Michael Knowles Show The Daily Wire
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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Shiezington 11/11/2021
Great insight and awesome for all ages. I listen with my 13 year old son and it sparks a lot of great conversations!
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BurbRider 02/22/2022
Wisdom, wit, common sense and information all wrapped up in an extremely entertaining podcast. You don’t want to miss this daily gem.
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ncii 03/27/2022
Michael’s podcasts are always top notch but this interview with the former trans young woman was really exceptional. His questions were tasteful and sensitive and he allowed her to tell her story, which was fascinating and surprisingly helpful to a universal audience. Who could not, as a young teen, feel isolated and unworthy, desperate for peer acceptance? The difference is that until recently, most of us muddled through it fairly unscathed. Helena showed us, in this short interview, the dangers of both the unsupervised internet and the out of control medical community.
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A.P.F.0.4 04/08/2022
Phenomenal podcast that analyzes our politics and culture from a solid traditional viewpoint. I really love how Micheal approaches everything from either a common sense or Catholic theological viewpoint; truly, you cannot answer any question or understand anything of value without at least one of those: something which a lot of people and podcasters have yet to realize. Recommend to any conservative, but especially traditional Roman Catholics like myself!
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qwbbzy 05/31/2023
I used to listen to this religiously, however Michaels' misogyny has angered me more than once. In one of his “mail bag” bits, a man called in and said his wife could not get pregnant again due to health concerns after having their last child. He asked Michael if getting on birth control was justified to protect his wife’s health. Michael told him no and that his wife should consider a hysterectomy. Utterly disgusting!!!! A woman who sacrificed her body to have children should have to get an organ removed just so the man wouldn’t be troubled to use birth control. I unfollowed the show after this. Despicable and I doubt treating your wife like this is acceptable under Christian doctrine.
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MidshipRunabout 03/27/2024
Love the show but and I understand the need to pay the bills, but the ads are getting out of hand. Sometimes Michael will read the ad and that’s fine, and sometimes a commercial recorded by the sponsor will pop in out of nowhere and disrupt the flow of the podcast. Very frustrating and makes the show annoying to listen to. I’ll be unsubscribing, I can’t be annoyed into buying a DW+ subscription.
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