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The Mel Robbins Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Mel Robbins Podcast
The Mel Robbins Podcast Mel Robbins
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Our curated selection of reviews

trailacat1 08/10/2024
Your let them pod cast has literally saved my life! I’m a 72 yr old widowed retired nurse. I lost my youngest son on November 11,2023! He died from a fentanyl overdose. My heart is shattered! I have to change my life and and get out of this sad, emptiness that has overcome me! Tired of being told how to live my life, how and what to feel by some well meaning friends and family! You are a wonderful mentor and role model! You really know how to h please people get up and get mentally stable and healthy again. Nine months ago I’d have thought that was impossible! Thanks to you I’m healing my broken heart and getting on with life! It’s not easy but I have hope thanks thanks to you!
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jennyleighmusic 09/06/2024
I really enjoyed this episode so much. I felt like you were taking me on your hike and I could almost see the mountains and the boulders you had to climb over. I appreciated hearing about the through hikers who tackled the full Appalachian Trail. All of that was amazing. I’m also in awe that your family made that kind of effort as a group. All the individual efforts that you and your husband made were inspiring.

I also appreciate how you weaved in simple but deeply wise life lessons. I shared the story and lessons with my senior mom over breakfast before we went for our nature walk together. 🐢🌳🚶‍♀️♿️

I have enjoyed many of your episodes and appreciate hearing the different research-based things as well as your straight talk about different challenges. I have benefited greatly from hearing about how to set healthy boundaries or deal with narcissistic behaviors, or overcome burn out —all of which I’ve had to contend with.

I’m also deeply appreciative of your constant encouragement to go for things like starting your own business which I am now doing at age 61 as an online author poet podcast course creator, and soon to be creative wellness coach. I sold my Florida home to move to Kentucky to be in place as my senior mother’s caregiver and I’m juggling a lot.

So thank you for all your positivity and down to earth common sense-based encouragement. 🙇‍♀️❤️

May you, your family and team continue to thrive‼️
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Tyeal- like the color 12/03/2024
Mel Robbins podcast has absolutely changed my life. It is very much a part of my weekly content consumption. I’ve shared multiple episodes with my best friends and family members, old and young. This podcast is truly for everyone. Especially, folks looking for guidance during major life transitions. Some of my favorite topics and takeaways include Mel’s authentic reflections on depression, brain science, the positive affects of morning sunlight and so much more. I am constantly inspired by this show and eagerly anticipate new episodes on a regular basis! THANK YOU!
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Megan MCB 04/17/2023
I’m a personal development and podcast junkie, and I’m guilty of listening to a podcast, feeling inspired but not taking action. This podcast is different for me. I find myself stopping what I’m doing to take notes because the episodes are jammed packed with tangible tips to apply. I love listening to and replaying episodes that feel relevant to my life and the struggles I’m going through. And the best part? I don’t feel alone in my struggles. Mel advises in a way that makes you feel like you’re not alone and is open about her struggles, too. I’m a huge Mel Robbins fan and listened to/read all her books, signed up for all her free classes, and used her 5-minute journal every morning. Anything Mel puts out in the world is GOLD, and I am SO THANKFUL for all she does. I remember listening to her say she has been putting off creating a podcast, and I yelled, “Please do it!” and it hasn’t disappointed. Thanks, Mel!
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ApplePurchases16 02/01/2024
The episode with Joshua Coleman was not at all helpful due to his oversimplification of this issue. The statement that he would take the side of the adult child in a session by default says it all: issues between parents and children are complex and need to be approached according to the actual dynamics at work in the relationship, including possible mental health issues and the particular details of their individual relationship, among many other factors. A therapist working with two or more people needs to advocate for all parties involved. Please be aware that Dr. Coleman's approach is by no means considered best practice.
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ktmae1 08/01/2023
I used to really enjoy this podcast, but it’s really turned into nails on the chalkboard…. I feel like the “recipe” for all the interviews lately is basically - the guest/expert trying to speak….Mel interrupting about every 60 seconds to “paraphrase” what the guest is saying- apparently dumbing it down so us lemmings out here in podcast-land can understand the big words of the smart people.
Ug! It’s condescending and just reeks of egomania. And you can tell all the hi-jacking of the interview clearly makes most of the guests lose their momentum.
I wish Mel would check her self appointed resident expertise at the door a little…. I miss listening, but it’s just too painful now. It’s definitely changed.
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