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The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC
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49 ▼ 6 US

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Listener53 08/28/2024
You have a warm and calming voice, which I especially enjoy at the end of all of these crazy news days! Your previous experience is valuable in your assessments of senate and house actions. I never miss the show by choice.
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PanAmKate 11/08/2024
Lawrence, you are now my go-to podcast for educated, intelligent evaluations for what just happened in this election. Your podcasts are not sensationalism, just facts. You may know how difficult it is for we “everyday” folks to find that these days. Thanks for keeping me sane by not deriding Kamala for the loss. She was brilliant! Who else but her could have run a campaign against a corrupt, illigiment, felon and walk away with dignity and grace. You’re the best. Please stay onboard MSNBC. Me and my friends need your objective reports more than ever these days. —Kate
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More Skin in the Game 06/19/2024
The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell is without doubt the best show of it’s nature I have ever watched. Lawrence is pithy, sardonic, eloquent, and impossible to turn off. He drills down on the essential facts of a story in brilliant fashion such that I absolutely know he speaks the truth. The wonderful thing about him is he is not afraid to tell it exactly as it is and include with that delivery his personal opinion on the subject or person upon which he is reporting. I will watch him for as long as he will continue to flood my living room with his wise appraisal of this crazy world in which we live. Thank you Lawrence! You’re welcome in my home for dinner any time.
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cynchronized 07/01/2024
I watch your show everyday. Countless times I’ve heard you ask: Why do Republicans lie for Trump? Why don’t they speak the truth about the 2020 election and Jan 6? Why did they allow their party to be hijacked by Trump? Why are Republicans risking our country becoming an autocracy and the possibility that this might be the last meaningful election we have?

Minority rule. That is and has been the overriding mission for Republicans. Those Republicans who surprise and disappoint you with their recent behavior towards Trump’s MAGA party are likely embarrassed about the way in which they are getting the minority rule they so covet. That should tell you just how badly they want to impose their unpopular policies on the rest of us.

I am 72 years old and have been observing the Republican Party for a very long time. For decades Republicans have been doing everything they could think of to achieve and perpetuate control of our country. They know they do not represent the interests of the majority of Americans. That leaves them only with the option of doing everything possible to achieve minority rule. They have been doing that by curtailing the voting rights of the majority and promoting false populist issues like immigration and abortion.

I implore you to start using the term “minority rule” instead of authoritarianism or autocracy. Authoritarianism and autocracy are vague terms to the majority of voters. I hate to say it but it is going over the heads of MAGA voters and voters who do not appear to understand the stakes of this election, such as young voters. MAGA voters believe they want Trump to have the power to do the things they want the government to do (or not do). It seems not to occur to them that, if elected, Trump could then do none of the things they want and many things they don’t want. Please talk more about that. Please lead Democrats to talk about Trump and Republicans in that manner. Don’t rely on voters to read books about how awful autocracy is. And, most importantly, don’t expect Republicans in power to be swayed by those ideas. In all likelihood, they believe they can achieve minority rule without all-out authoritarianism. They are whistling past the graveyard of democracy.

Minority rule is an easy concept to communicate and to understand and it has the added bonus of encompassing all Republicans and the Supreme Court, not just the presidency.
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