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I have followed this case literally since I was a child and have read all the books out there- Watched all the documentaries and shows. This podcast is absolutely the best. Lots of new information/evidence was divulged in this series that I had NEVER read or heard of before! Very impressed and it’s good to hear from her older brother, John. Prior to this, I always believed the older siblings (aside from Burke) were absolutely not interested in participating in anyway- this was refreshing. Good for them. She deserves justice, they all do.
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A definitely Ramsey family-aligned perspective of the case, but the fundamental point remains valid: Forensic science (especially DNA testing” is better today than in 1996 and some of the DNA evidence should be tested again. Not sure we needed a whole series to make that pretty succinct point.
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This podcast is produced so well and is truly amazing quality. However, there is a clear agenda and side this podcast is taking. It is clearly a podcast for, if not by, the Ramsey’s, more specifically John Ramsey. I find it interesting to listen to all sides and all evidence and all circumstances. Not just the ones that outline a specific narrative. This smells a lot like the tv documentaries and series that are literally just produced to defend the Ramsey’s based on speculation and are completely devoid of facts. I don’t even think for sure the Ramsey’s did it. But this podcast is completely biased and it makes it hard to listen to.
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I learned a few new things. I had no idea John had received a heads up by one of his employees about the cops wanting to blame him for the murder of his daughter. I hear a different version of the “facts” each time I hear an interview. Some of the logic used to come up with the suspects is contradictory to the logic used to absolve the Ramseys. Apparently for some people the DNA can rule out the Ramsey family but doesn’t rule out some others. There are some far reaching suspects on the list. I suppose when it comes to solving the case it doesn’t matter how unlikely the suspect. The police really messed this up from the beginning, this little girl may never have justice. I would like to have the confidence to know her family is innocent but I’m not convinced. Either an intruder did it or a family member and only the culprit knows.
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I have done A LOT of research on this case and can say this podcast is leaving out a ton of important pieces of fact/evidence. Other things they are presenting as “fact” are not - example: the marks on Jon Benet’s body were from a stun gun. These marks may or may not be from a stun gun - some think they came from part of a toy train track in the basement near where she was found. I’m guessing Jon Ramsey was involved in the making/creating of this podcast due to how biased it is. One thing I have always asked myself, and do again after listening to this podcast, is why the Ramsey’s have spent SO much time, right from the very beginning, of trying to convince the world they are innocent? Why aren’t they trying to find the killer/pushing the police to find the killer? I think it’s because they already know who the killer is.
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I have always been interested in the Ramsey case so I was eager to hear more when I saw this podcast. However, it quickly became clear that it is a very biased podcast, seemingly bank-rolled by the Ramsey family in order to clear their name. I’m shocked the podcast is putting out names of people who they accuse of possible involvement. Isn’t that defamation?
The last episode I listened to dealt with people—not associated with law enforcement—stealing DNA from their “suspects” in various seedy ways. I don’t know who killed poor Jon Benet but this attempt makes the Ramsey family look more guilty, not less.
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