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The Herd with Colin Cowherd - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
The Herd with Colin Cowherd iHeartPodcasts and The Volume
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Antisemtism Concern 01/21/2023
Herd team -

I’m a daily listener to much of the volume. And I’m an antisemitism educator. I want to raise a flag about an ad that frequently runs at the start of the Herd podcast that is, likely unintentionally, pushing forward an antisemitic lie.

Specifically, the ad, which is calling people to Jesus, blames the crucifixion of Jesus on his followers. While the ad doesn’t explicitly use the word Jews, it’s well known that most of his followers were Jews. Moreover, it’s we’ll known that the murder of Jesus has been blamed on Jews for millennia. This lie has lead to an incredible amount of antisemitic violence over the centuries, and remains central to many antisemitic attitudes in the western world today. It’s quite common to see Jews called “Christ Killers” online or in person, or to see it on billboards and highway overpasses in America, as a rallying cry for white supremacists in America and the west more broadly, who also blame Jews for the browning of America (and the west).

Christianity is a beautiful faith and has much to offer people and the world, but at a time of heightened antisemitism, certainly we can find better ways to call people to Christ then to focus purely on the crucifixion in a way that reinforces an idea that has led to the death of millions of Jews over the centuries.

Please reconsider the content of this ad and ask the organization to produce content to replace it that accomplishes the goal of calling people to their work without pushing forward stories that we know have caused great harm to a small minority group.
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DaBears155 09/08/2023
I love the segment where Colin talks about where he’s been right and wrong every single Monday. It brings a level of accountability that doesn’t exist with many sports talk personalities. Colin brings on a variety of guests and I’m a big fan of a lot of the recurring guests on the show. It’s great to hear Colin’s takes presented cohesively as opposed to debate shows that get a little chaotic.
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alsjrud 06/01/2024
One of the most insightful voices in sports talk, and has been for years. His takes are relatable to a non-sports fans, too, which you don’t usually find in the genre. When my wife, who isn’t a sports fan, catches part of a show, she always comments about how smart the takes are and how easy to understand the points are for a non-sports fan, all while also digging into the minutiae of sports.
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QBclub10 08/08/2024
I appreciate the fact that Collin gives honest opinions based on his personal observations and data he sees. I also appreciate his approach of new info can equal a different opinion. That is refreshing and it’s real life. I also like the metaphors he uses to make points and his reflections on real life situations he lived through as many of us have similar experiences. Great show!!
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The Herd is bad now 08/08/2024
Unsubscribed after years of listening. Colin used to have interesting thoughts in the sports world. Now his takes are hot, repetitive or boring (or all three). He has now injected a lot of obnoxious (and quite frankly wrong) political takes, which was the final straw.

Colin’s The Volume network of other sports podcasts are good with talented hosts and worth a listen. But try to avoid Colin’s show.
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FatherGod6 09/20/2024
I really like the format of this show and the segments that Colin does (right/wrong, top Ten, Blazing Five). But his analyses and narratives are pretty shallow and sometimes seem out of touch. He has his list of players, coaches, and teams that are his favorites and a list of those he dislikes and Colin continues to report on them over and over and over again. JMAC is a pretty annoying cohost and often overly aggressive for some reason; Napoleon Complex? Colin often puts coaches like Sean Peyton on a high pedestal while tearing down others that have had way more success than Sean in recent years simply because they text each other sometimes lol. Finally, I admit Colin is a pretty smart individual, but I’ve not seen a sports show host go out of his way so often to interject his political views. People watch and listen to sports news to avoid political news, Colin, you’d think you would know better than to push away a large part of your audience.
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