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The Fox News Rundown - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Fox News Rundown
The Fox News Rundown FOX News Radio
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99 ▼ 10 US
38 ▼ 3 US

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

GranNic 11/06/2020
I listened to today’s podcast about election results. It had extremely reasonable reporting with expert panelists. There need to be more straight news shows without editorial input from pundits. It is hard to know where to find it and it is truly problematic for our country.
Kraymca 01/15/2021
I listen to this postcard every morning along with a left leaning daily news podcast. I consider myself slightly left of center, and I like to hear how stories are reported from each angle. I find that the majority of the time it’s very fair reporting (very similar to the other podcast though with some different guests view points). But I HATE the opinion pieces at the end. It’s like, here’s some good honest reporting, now let’s get everyone riled up against each other again!

Here’s my opinion- get rid of the opinion pieces and stick to the objective news reporting!
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jujuinor 09/29/2023
Love your podcast and I really enjoy the brevity of getting the news in short and concise matters. One suggestion I might offer, however—-it may not be a good idea to only have a Spanish-speaking only advertisement right after a story on immigration problems. Just saying! otherwise great job!!
Fibrogirl96 02/02/2021
This is a phenomenal way to get great stories and insights from a multitude of people. It’s great to hear from anchors. I thoroughly enjoyed Dana Perino’s talk with The psychologist and learning about so many things that we do everyday and even more than that why we do it and how to change it to help benefit us in our day to day lives. Great interview Dana.
Md713 08/13/2024
A prime example of what happens when you take the sensationalism of cable news and try to stretch it out into a podcast. Unfortunately, what might pass as compelling television doesn’t translate well into audio form. The show is a tedious parade of recycled talking points, shallow analysis, and predictable narratives that seem more interested in echoing the network’s established viewpoints than offering any fresh or nuanced perspectives.

The hosts often sound like they’re going through the motions, with forced enthusiasm that barely masks their lack of genuine engagement with the topics at hand. The segments are poorly paced, and the transitions between them feel clunky and awkward, making it hard to stay focused. As for the content itself, it’s a regurgitation of the same headlines you’ve already seen plastered across Fox’s TV screen, without any additional depth or insight.

If you’re looking for a podcast that offers anything more than the surface-level spin, “The Fox News Rundown” will leave you sorely disappointed. It’s like listening to a news channel on autopilot, and not even the fast-forward button can save you from the monotony.
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pwebtx 06/04/2021
I listen to three news podcasts every day. One left biased, one right, and one center. The Fox News rundown was the one that I listen to on the right, but they don’t report the news anymore, it’s just all complaining about Democrats. And it’s become non-factual. I’m going to find myself a new right leaning news podcast.

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