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The Focus Group Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Focus Group Podcast
The Focus Group Podcast The Bulwark
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150 ▼ 25 US
56 ▼ 10 US

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Our curated selection of reviews

Tennesseegroove 09/28/2024
Center left loving the non-MAGA exposure to center right political machinations. Seeking common ground and finding it in the data. Your work is valuable and I’m so grateful I stumbled on the Bulwark’s family of pods. Post-debate crisis update: this is absolutely, 💯the pod we all need right now. We can tell ourselves soothing stories to get through the news cycles, but what we really need is to understand what the small but might groups of persuadable voters who will actually be making this existential decision in November think about their choices. No more lying to ourselves. We need to face the future with clear eyes and some curiosity for the possibilities. So grateful for this pod! Updated review 7/13/24: THIS IS THE PODCAST I NEED IN THIS MOMENT!! I want unflinching candor about the situation we find ourselves in. I find that with the Bulwark’s programs, as especially the Focus Group! We get to hear from ACTUAL VOTERS!! I have recommended this to all of my leftie friends and will continue to do so because I’m in that same camp and have been persuaded by this work!

October 2024: I’m now a Bulwark Plus subscriber so I can listen to the pods without the pesky ads. I also heavily support their work to prevent Trump from stealing the presidency this election cycle. This podcast is a critical part of that work and provides nuanced context missing from quantitative polls. I just listened to the episode about The Youths and found my mouth hanging open as I learned their thoughts about current affairs. I suppose every generation goes through this, but the qualitative data really helps to bring home the point of how differently the generations are viewing politics, the future, important cultural divides, etc. BRAVO!!
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ileya (eye.lee.ya) 09/19/2024
This show has been the most informative and centered piece of information to understand my fellow Americans. I appreciate the intention and passion for sharing our voices. That in itself is democracy in action. I especially appreciated the show post debate (Harris v. Trump). Thank you team!! You keep it real, which keeps me engaged! Warmly, Ileya
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MecktroGnome 09/23/2024
Just listened to the bonus episode from the Possible podcast. I very much enjoyed hearing about how Sarah got started in focus groups and how she is thinking about the future of using the information and opinions from focus groups. So impressed and even more of a fan! It was really interesting for me as a subscriber to the many Bulwark podcasts to learn more about how information is gathered and also how to better listen and maybe persuade people in my life to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. I’m very thankful for the work you do. Go Sarah!
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geekgranny 09/25/2024
The crosspost from the Possible podcast was A+. It explains the origins of the focus groups and allows Sarah to share her own personal history. Closing discussion about AI presents a humanistic vision for this technology.
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