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The Facility - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Facility
The Facility FOX Sports
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39 ▲ 3 US
166 ▲ 6 US

Football - Last 7 Days Ranking

Sports - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

IzBer 01/04/2023
I used to love listening to the show everyday, there was good chemistry between the two and I would have several laugh out loud moments throughout each show. But lately the show has gotten too serious and nerve racking. I find myself fast forwarding through many topics because Skip refuses to admit he is wrong and he just takes it overboard to the point where it is just sad. I think this show has run its course and it’s time for Skip to retire, he just comes across as a grumpy old man who refuses to admit when he is wrong. The show isn’t entertaining anymore. PS Shannon Sharp is awesome!
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Jonnyblaze41 10/11/2023
As an avid listener for years, I honestly was excited for the changes and like the new crew. I’ve also been a skip fan since the cold pizza days. However, when a new episode drops and it’s 7-8 topics on the cowboys, I just can’t listen to it. 1-2 topics a day is more than enough, and I can’t seem to justify 2 hours on listening to one team, regardless on who it is. With so many sports topics that can be discussed daily, this show is doing themselves a disservice just talking about one team. I’ll continue to check in here and there, but the more the cowboys are in the topics, the less likely I am to listen. PLEASE HAVE MORE RANGE IN YOUR TOPICS! You have a chance to be an amazing show. Don’t ruin it by being stale and talking about the same things over and over again.
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Frasier Winslow Crane 08/29/2023
love the show and new squad! i really like the round table discussion vibe. has an authentic barbershop sports talk feel. love it!
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bemoore75 02/06/2024
Love the new format. Sherm has amazing analysis that is spot on and educated. Skip and Irvin go off the deep end some time but entertaining and Keyshawn has the balanced takes (not too high and not too low).
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SkipSupporter 10/04/2023
I have been the biggest skip Bayless supporter possible for nearly 20 years, I never miss an episode from the cold pizza days to first take to undisputed. I even watch the podcasts even though I’ve heard pretty much all skips stories dozens of times. I loved skip and Shannon so much that when I am on the road for work my wife puts on my DVR recording downstairs to make it seem like I’m home because she’s so used to hearing it downstairs. I say all this because skip this doesn’t come from one of your haters this has to come from what I believe to be your biggest fan. And yes Sir I have still been watching the new format but it’s hard to do. It’s got some hope and the flow is getting better with the team I love all the contributors Individually big Keyshawn fan, huge Michael Irvin fan, and Sherman shows hope as well. ONE THING that’s so critical: YOU NEED A MODERATOR. Skip all due respect and I give you more respect than almost anyone else would, you are not a moderator in fact you’re honestly a horrible moderator, you’re a sub par host, what you are Sir is THE BEST DEBATER IN THIS HISTORY OF SPORTS TELEVISION. You don’t need to be doing half cocked intros and teeing up each person like you’re Jen hale or Kevin wildes, you are the fire brother, you are the energy. YOU need someone to set you up and then let you UNLEASH. You make that one small tweak and I assure you the ratings come back up and my rating goes back to five stars because you’ve got the horse power, you need someone vanilla, passive to set the table for all of that energy and then you do what you do best, dominate the debate. Appreciate you regardless but I hope very much as someone who wants to see you and the show succeed that you take this seriously and get back on track.
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TheIndelibleOne 02/14/2024
Skip Bayless is and has been on a steady decline.

Richard Sherman has great insights but comes off as too arrogant to listen. Cuts off other speakers too much.

Keyshawn in the right amount of knowledge, humor, no nonsense debate that I can listen to for two hours.

I don’t listen to the show if Michael Irvin is on. He’s too over the top.

Lil Wayne has nothing to offer but his name and star power. I couldn’t stomach him even when Shannon Sharpe made the show watchable.
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