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The Erick Erickson Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Erick Erickson Show
The Erick Erickson Show Erick Erickson
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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

pfmassey 11/15/2023
I enjoy Erick’s no-spin commentary on the news of the day and the deeper dive into topics and events that aren’t being reported on. A conservative voice that is willing to point out when conservatives are not behaving. The biblical doctrine woven into the discussion is an added bonus.
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RabidTennisFan 11/19/2023
I count on Erick to give me the news of the day in a no nonsense true conservative voice. In my opinion he is the best out there to tell it like it is, whether you agree or not, as Rush Limbaugh did. Since Rush passed I had been struggling to find the same ‘voice’ and information I got from Rush and I have found it in Erick. Thank you for all you do, and for opening my eyes to a few things that I didn’t truly understand in the way Rush used to do.
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Marcus Pius 11/22/2023
Eric knows his stuff. Guided by experience and a faith that keeps him grounded, he delivers the news in a way I can trust. He’s informed and humorous. I miss Rush, but Eric is his heir.
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just there 02/10/2024
I’ve learned so much from Erick. He gives you the tools and resources on today’s news and you get to make up your own mind rather than being brainwashed from main stream medi.
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About The Erick Erickson Show ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of The Erick Erickson Show.


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