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Every episode of this podcast feels like being at an interesting dinner party with smart thoughtful guests. My favorite podcast. As an added bonus, the host keeps it well structured with topics moving along so the conversation never gets stale. The speakers do not yell over each other or go too far off topic. Some writers and journalists do not make good podcast hosts as they do better to boil their thoughts down in writing. But that is not the case here. Especially appreciate hearing what articles they recommend to each other at the end of each episode. Finally, over the last few months listening to Charles Cooke articulately destroy Kamala Harris with withering vocabulary was the highlight of the election season for me.
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I mean “arguments” in both senses: Cases made for the conservative sensibility, and disputes over what that sensibility is and how it should be applied. Besides George Will, there is no more articulate defender of conservatism as classical liberalism than Charles C.W. Cooke. Noah Rothman is a north star on matters of war and national security. Michael Brendan Dougherty is an excellent and thoughtful dissenter to both. Jim Geraghty somehow knows something about everything. And Rich Lowry, the master moderator, brings the best out of all of them.
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Sharp, witty and rigorous dive into American culture and politics. I always leave smarter…thank you.
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I have enjoyed listening to this podcast for many years. The discussion is insightful, interesting and informative. NR is the gold standard of conservatism and the editors perpetuate that standard with their comments and writing. Keep up the good work!!
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Man, listening to this show is torture. But if you want to learn about the scary bizarro world of modern conservatism this is a decent place to get a window into their demented agenda. I listen to it regularly and it’s disturbing to watch the conservative talking points come out of my father-in-law’s mouth during our family dinners. And he doesn’t even listen to the podcast. There’s just that much group think controlling the conservative movement. They’re more Heritage Foundation than MAGA, but obviously there’s a generous overlap (with the former laying the groundwork for the latter) and they’re plenty happy to turn a blind eye to the fascist ticking time bomb on the right. They’ll spend a brief moment acknowledging Trump’s “concerning” comments about killing freedom of the press (if they feel obligated to) but then ramble on incessantly about some twisted interpretation of a minor comment from “the left.” So, if you want to see how evil slips past “rational reasonable intellectualism” then this is the show for you!
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