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The Dr. Phil Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Dr. Phil Podcast
The Dr. Phil Podcast Dr. Phil McGraw
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Society & Culture - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

AutymnCynn 07/08/2024
Dr. Phil, I’m a Millennial & I’ll admit it truthfully, I blew you off as a “fraud” & never watched the show, or watched if nothing was on. I’m 36, now, going BACK to school for Psychology, bc it saved my life! Saved me from addiction, trauma, PTSD, so much. Your interviews with Trump/RFK are FANTASTIC. I pick up on some Psych terms you use, & I LOVE your hard hitting questions & depth into the personality of the person before you. I’m just very worried about the country, & we have to look everywhere for the answer. Turns out I never gave you a chance bc I was an angry teen in the 2000s and you were a beacon of light at that time I turned away from. You, sir, are a very qualified if NOT MORE SO Dr. & a hope for this country.
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Awbrey New 12/06/2024
I always loved Dr Phil, but with streaming services taking over, I forgot to tune in… for years. Stumbled across this podcast, at a perfect time in my life. His no nonsense advice has always resonated with me, and this podcast, Living by Design specifically, is the best format to get your dose of dr Phil!
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Eevee45 12/20/2024
I love listening to your Dr. Phil Podcast! I appreciate you bringing attention to so many problems we have here in America, and that you never sugar coat it. You always deliver your episodes in intelligent, respectful ways when speaking. I’ve learned so much since I started listening, and can’t wait to learn more!
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Yhafyj 06/17/2024
Im very grateful to finally have found a source of information that does not feel like I’m witnessing an altercation or an attack on another’s character. I’m very disheartened by the state of our country in that we seem to be more focused on fighting with each other instead of working together to solve the tremendous problems we are currently facing. This interview feels to me to be paving ground for more informative discussion. I absolutely cannot stand the hurling of accusations tossed around upon each other. This only deepens and breeds destruction upon our country. Thank you Dr Phil for shedding light into the dark state of where we currently are. We seem to otherwise be dissolving and I hope we can each as individuals come to recognize how important it is to set our own beliefs aside and seek understanding in Truth.
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MN DrPhilfan4yrs 09/19/2024
I have been a Dr Phil fan forever! I am so disappointed ! Dr Phil’s obvious favor of former President Trump is frustrating in this and other Phil in the Blank podcasts that I have listened to. In this, an episode that was supposed to be a unbiased look at the debate. Your questions to the audience were more slanted than anything the moderators did during the debate. You made no mention of the horrible lies Trump spewed about Springfield Ohio legal immigrants and his ridiculous comments about them eating cats and dogs!! It didn’t even make your list of things to ask your audience about! I wonder why you did not ask for their reaction to his comments about that and/or talk about his body language at that moment. I was looking forward to an in-depth conversation about the subject of the debate. Your opinion was obvious and no one is wondering who you are supporting in this election. It’s certainly your right, but I could respect it if you just come out and endorse him rather than pretend to be unbiased. Very disappointed in someone I have highly respect and quoted your words of advice for years!
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lovepinkpurplerosa 11/15/2024
I had high expectations Dr. Phil's, but unfortunately, I left feeling disappointed by him. I will no longer support him. While the show often tackles important social and psychological issues, it seems more focused on sensationalism than providing meaningful solutions. Dr. Phil, who is often portrayed as a no-nonsense, straight-talking professional, comes across more as a TV personality than a genuine therapist at times.

Many of the episodes feel scripted, and rather than addressing deep-rooted problems, they seem to exploit people’s vulnerabilities for entertainment value. The solutions offered feel surface-level, and at times, the interactions seem more about creating dramatic moments for ratings than offering real help.

While Dr. Phil has a large following, I am disappointed by his endorsement. It seems like wealthy men often stick together and exploit the vulnerable.
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