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The Dr. Hyman Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Dr. Hyman Show
The Dr. Hyman Show Dr. Mark Hyman
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Health & Fitness - Last 7 Days Ranking

Medicine - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

eljemo 11/01/2020
Each episode is helpful thought provoking! Dr. Hyman’s joy makes it fun to listen to each week. His passion for what he does comes through too. It’s always helpful. As a school counselor I work with a lot of children and families and your podcast makes it possible for me to provide them with fresh ideas or approaches to the health challenges they face. It aligns with my whole person/integrative philosophy and helps me stay current on the go. I really appreciate the work you do! Thank you!
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thetreehug 09/30/2021
Hands down the most valuable podcast out there for solid health/wellness insight, resources, and actionable application. THANK YOU for this resource! I listen a lot, I read a lot, I research the dog out of everything….this podcast rounds it all up….here! This IS my Go-To! I challenge anyone to find a better resource. The manner in which the information is presented, the carefully curated guests, the show note links….WELL DONE!
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Monica Edwards-ME 07/07/2022
If I could only listen to 1 podcast on health, it would be this one. His knowledge and the simplicity he brings to getting and staying healthy is exactly what we need to make this a shift that sticks. He also hosts leading edge guests in his own field and other health related specialties to bring differing voices and ways of understanding to all aspects of a healthy, thriving life. It's a must-listen-to show. Then, get his books and follow on Instagram for daily reminders! 😄
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dinkledonks 11/06/2022
Dr. Mark Hyman’s understanding on how the human body thrives has always been on the cutting edge of science and his amazing credentialed guests give fascinating if not life changing information .. on pertinent health issues affecting so many lives. I’ll sometimes challenge myself to see if I’ll actually find relevant a certain podcast title, and I’ve always come away enlightened on something I want to explore further. I hang on every word of every podcast (except one guest only) and Mark is witty, a great interviewer, and hearing MDs commiserate for a second sometimes on the frustrations of symptom-treating medicine is entertaining and therapeutic. I’m so grateful for this man whose life passion is to bring knowledge to us all on how to possess our ultimate health. If I ever got really sick, I’d trust no one more to get to the root cause and heal me. So grateful for this doctor.
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CaponeMalone 10/18/2020
It’s been painfully awkward enough listening to someone hawk his wares and then breathe/chew/drink into the mic while waiting to interrupt his guests. Some of his guests have been questionable - I get that Hyman himself is pretty woowoo - but he focuses on more than just veganism which I initially liked. However, I’m more than happy to hit the unsubscribe button after he’s now giving the science illiterate and money grubbing “Food Babe” a platform.

The Exam Room is a much better nutrition related podcast if anyone is looking for another recommendation - they are vegan so there’s not a ton of room for flexibility in their approach, but as an omnivore I usually still end up learning a lot. Again, sometimes questionable guests, but at least they’re people who’ve done actual research and don’t use their name to sell overpriced products with the ingredients they claim to be against.
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sw from bzb 02/14/2021
Please please please let your guests speak and stop interrupting. This podcast is AMAZING and so full of important information. But Dr Mark’s constant interruptions with his own anecdotes make it near impossible to listen.
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