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Let’s go! I’ve learned so much from Dr Brighten’s content; what’s normal about having a period, how to advocate for yourself with doctors, and simple changes to make to support my hormone health. Ecstatic about her podcast and her generosity and passion for teaching women about their bodies.
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I feel so lucky to have found Dr. Brighten! Her content has helped me to better manage my menstrual migraine, endo and perimenopause…since my doctor has been zero help. Love these episodes and cannot wait for more!!
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You have been an incredible source of information that I have followed for years, and I am very excited about your new podcast! I would love for you to create an episode that explores HRT in depth, covering the pros and cons of the various options available for women who have recently entered post-menopause and what balanced hormones look like. Additionally, your thoughts on how long women should consider taking HRT and whether there is a point at which they should stop.
I look forward to your next episode. Thank you so much for all you do in supporting women’s health!
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This podcast is amazing!! I love Dr Brighten and to have her available in this format is beyond wonderful. She’s smart, funny, down to earth and you feel like you’re listening to a friend. Please do a whole episode on HRT!
Thank you for creating this podcast!
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