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The Daily Beans - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Daily Beans
The Daily Beans MSW Media
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17 ▲ 1 US
71 ▼ 2 US

Daily News - Last 7 Days Ranking

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

niji85 10/21/2020
I listen to this podcast every day. I spend a lot of time driving for my job. This podcast is the first thing I listen to every single day. This is the best way to get the headlines. Allison is witty, hilarious and intelligent. She translates the day’s headlines in a way that is personable, palatable and perceptive. Couldn’t start my day without it!
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sarah-rdh 09/02/2022
So much fun to listen to Allison and Dana as well as any of their special guests. They make even the bad news bearable due to their empathy, intelligence, and humor. It feels like getting morning coffee with friends — the honest, snarky, yet kind friends you always wanted. I also enjoy listening to other MSW shows like Cleanup on Aisle 45 and Mueller She Wrote. The commentary about current events is always so thoughtful and detailed!
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TheSveed 10/29/2022
Been a listener since the Kitchen Table Days and haven’t missed an episode. AG’s ability to break down (often) complex issues in our political landscape, with a healthy dose of sarcasm and humor is priceless. I appreciate her ability to talk (some of) us off the ledge with her patience and logic with the bonus swears. When she laughs it’s infectious and when she’s brought to tears is heartbreaking. Love every minute of this, keep up the great work AG!
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GretchenSLP 09/15/2023
I listen almost without fail to each episode. Plus I’m a patron on Patreon! Although it was Pod Save America that made me start listening to podcasts, it’s this one (and Jack, and Cleanup on Aisle 45) that keep me coming back daily.

What’s to love: News, with full citations and credit given to journalists. Swearing (though that means I can’t listen with the kids like I can to the Jack podcast). All the political stories I am looking for, and in one quick burst! I especially love how AG actually bothers to go sit in courtrooms so that we won’t have to, and report what she saw and heard there. And even more than that, she reads ALL the news and summarizes the Hot Notes so we won’t have to read ALL the news ourselves, which most of us cannot and will not ever be able to do.

AG’s Jack podcast is the crème de la crème, Cleanup on Aisle 45 a close runner up, but I also cannot do without the Beans.

What could be better: I personally would pay twice as much per month as a patron if DG were to agree to pre-read the news BEFORE she reads it on the podcast, DOUBLE CHECK all stories for accuracy, AND look up the pronunciation and definition of words with which she is unfamiliar (takes 30 seconds!) BEFORE the show is recorded. If she begins doing this, I’ll notice the change immediately and upgrade my review to 5 stars! ⭐️

Also, I admit to turning the show off about half or 3/4 of the time shortly after the Good News segment begins, because, although I get where they’re coming from and good news is in short supply in our world, especially since Trump came down that escalator in 2015….I’m not that into hearing anyone fawn over cute puppies that I’m not even able to see.
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notq-or-r.butnotafan 05/11/2024
This is a great show for extremely progressive listeners, less so for anyone else. I support everyone’s first amendment right to voice their views, especially on their own podcast. With that said, perhaps the hosts should change their tagline: “vote blue over Q, and take everyone with you” by removing the part about taking everyone with you. You lost a socially liberal but moderate leaning Democrat, who used to listen. I cannot imagine this show appealing to anyone with even more moderate views, which likely includes the get-able voters in purple swing states. I applaud the hosts for creating a humorous podcast to entertain listeners who share their views (I’m sure they have legions of likeminded, avid fans). However, listeners with even slightly different views would probably enjoy another podcast.
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Buttacream1014 10/08/2020
When I first found this podcast a year ago I was overly excited! It was a refreshing and great way to get the news every morning. Three women going back and forth in conversation who were hilarious. After COVID hit I was understanding to the fact that some TEMPORARY adjustments would have to be made. But while all other podcasts have bounced back this one never did. I echo all other reviewers who say they will never understand why they all didn’t just jump on a Zoom call and keep it pushing. Now it’s just the main host quickly spitting out headlines and then rushing to talk to her legal friends about something VERY specific. I also know that it’s not a network issue because other shows on the same network were able to keep their original formats. It’s so disappointing because I use to really love this show.
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