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I don’t always agree with these gentlemen (?) in their ratings and analysis but I always appreciate and respect their reasoning. And I ALWAYS appreciate the laughs they deliver. These are FUNNY dudes. Also thoughtful and insightful. I love features like Favorite Prop, Most Punchable Face and recent addition, What’s The Porn Version? These dudes care about their listeners and what they put out for listening. I’d like to think that if I lived in their area we’d be friends (they are already my weekly ear hole pals) and if they do a live show in Denver I’ll be there (film pending?) If you like movies and laughing, check out The Confused Breakfast.
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I have nothing but positive things to say about the hosts of this podcast. They do an excellent job of making these episodes so much fun to listen to. They have amazing chemistry and they don’t take themselves or the shows and movies too seriously. I especially love that they talk about the movies that, for the most part, I grew up watching and either loving or hating. This podcast is a great escape to the craziness of the world that we’re in. If you’re a fan of movies and nostalgia, then this is the podcast for your ears. Even if I differ at times with their opinions, I still thoroughly enjoy listening to them.
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard listening to a podcast as I did listening to the Over The Top episode. If you know, then you know.
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I’ve been listening for a little while and I’ll be at work with my headphones in and my coworkers think I’m crazy because I’ll just start laughing. It makes my miserable job go faster. I think you should do more of those mini bytes.. the Nintendo 64 one had me dyinggg the whole time! Born in 1987 I can relate to all the nostalgia! Thank you for this podcast!
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I’ve listened to so many episodes of this podcast partially to the movies I’ve watched. While I’ve slowly run out of those shows I’ve dived into the Brunch episodes. It was the Brunch episode mentioning Snack Shack and the knowing my similar taste in movies as you guys, I knew, I had to watch it. To avoid this becoming a love letter to that movie, I just have to say: your podcast has been timeless, as I’ve travelled back years to listen to certain reviews and they are just as fresh as the newly released AND your recommendation of Snack Shack is a debt of mine forever owed. 9.8/5
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Used to really enjoy this podcast, but lately it’s been mostly nitpicky improv and not a whole lot of discussion about the actual movie.
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We strive to present a balanced view by showing a diverse range of reviews from Apple Podcasts