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The Commentary Magazine Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Commentary Magazine Podcast
The Commentary Magazine Podcast Commentary Magazine
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21 ▼ 4 US

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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Jsromney 10/13/2022
I listen to LOTS of podcasts and Commentary is my favorite. Over a year ago, I decided I needed to listen to news and political analysis from both sides and a friend suggested this one as a good thoughtful Conservative viewpoint. I’ve thanked her many times for her recommendation. They are brilliant and amusing and go into depth about politics in a way that I appreciate. My favorite thing is that they have what many lack in political analysis these days: principles. They will call out the Republicans AND democrats, it’s so refreshing. Commentary, after listening for 1.5 years: you’ve earned my trust 💯💯.
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LCZ7 01/22/2024
Every day, this podcast is my essential listen – a conversation that assures me I'm not navigating my thoughts alone. The topics discussed bring me closer to what matters, and in the midst of its thoughtfulness, it sometimes makes me laugh out loud. It’s a gem.
LynTMac 05/20/2022
The hosts of Commentary are erudite and witty. Each episode is engaging, relevant, and insightful. I live on the west coast and need some sanity in my day. John, Abe, Christine, & Noah make me feel a bit smarter as I finish listening to each conversation! Everyone who likes common sense & conservative thought should subscribe.
GeorgeD_87 08/17/2022
A podcast by intelligent, thoughtful conservatives. Love when Noah and John disagree and get into it. It’s like hanging out with friends who are both intelligent and thoughtful. I find that Noah articulates my thoughts on most issues in ways I strive to do. Great daily podcast.
artusv 10/14/2022
I am not a conservative by any definition, yet I've become by now a devoted listener, having stumbled upon it during lockdown. I can only second all of the accolades lavished upon you already. Your humanity, integrity, sense of humor and erudition is what keeps me listening, and I hope you will keep this going indefinitely.
CaptainSolo53 06/22/2022
Fantastic pod that is both entertaining and informative. I must say that we all know a Noah, someone who knows everything about everything and wants you to know it. My favorite exchange was Noah “I studied this” and John replying with “I lived it.”

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