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I am not a cradle Catholic, but a pre-teen convert, later confirmed at 14...surely someone in CCD told me (or maybe not!), but for the life of me I didn't realize the CCC existed until I was 35. My mom pushed me toward this podcast (my first EVER) and I was hooked...hooked on knowledge, hooked on Fr. Schmitz's preaching, and hooked on Christ. My entire world changed; I reorganized every element of my life...from taking my entire family to weekly mass, catechizing my 4 children, praying for my Baptist husband to convert (a work in progress - please pray for him!), and returning to confession after 23 years! This podcast is a Godsend - I'm on fire for Jesus...there's no way to put a star-rating on that.
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I am on my second way through this Catechism in a year, and it has been a treat! I wasn’t raised Catholic, but I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to this catechism. The first week is a little tough, but after that it’s smooth sailing!
Father Mike and Ascension press, thank you so much for giving this treasure of the catechism and the Bible in a year to the world. The way you explain the catechism makes it so much more relatable and easier to understand. I know they’ll be countless people in Heaven, because of your sacrifices you’ve made to put out such excellent material.
If you haven’t listened to this yet. Consider making this a New Year’s resolution. I would highly encourage it whether your Catholic
or not. There is nuggets that you will take from this that will increase your faith.
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Wow this podcast is wondrous! Fr. Mike brings the teachings of the Catholic faith alive with his enthusiasm, wit, and humor. I’m learning so much that I think a halo is encircling my head or something. I listen to one a day and it always puts a smile on face in my otherwise, dull life.
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I am one of the old folks that was brought up memorizing the Baltimore Catechism. I could barely pronounce the words, much less know the meaning of them. I read “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” on my own. When Ascension offered this podcast, I signed up right away. This is my second go round. Fr. Mike’s commentary is wonderful. I appreciate being a Catholic so much more.
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