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The Ben Ferguson Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Ben Ferguson Podcast
The Ben Ferguson Podcast iHeartPodcasts
Position Change Category Country
196 ▲ 1 US
71 ▲ 4 US

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

StrangerDave 05/07/2023
Informative, articulate, unafraid, and honest. If you're interested in understanding what is really going on in this country, listening to the Ben Ferguson podcast should be part of your everyday routine.
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Jarredv10 07/12/2023
I’ve been listening daily for at least a year now and I’ve learned so much! You have inspired me and I’ve started doing my own thing. My wife and I are using our voices as well! Thank you truly.
Jarred Vandiver
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Hebrides 07/15/2023
I listen to many conservative podcasts. Found Ben Ferguson about three months ago; appreciate the flow and content of the podcasts and lack of "filler." He is the first political podcast I go to daily now.
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Goosegale 01/08/2024
Ben has the facts and reports the news with passion and integrity. I trust him which is not something I can say about most others who report the “news”.
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Hieran 05/18/2024
Here’s what bothers me: The first words of your podcast description are, “If you HATE the liberal media…”

The last words of the same description are, “… that the biased media will not cover.”

Isn’t your podcast by definition biased? Do you cover anything troubling or imperfect about Republican/conservative politicians? Do you ever speak about something positive the Democrats/liberals have done?

One example of the latter I can name is funding (which is voted on by the Republican-majority House) to bring more primary healthcare clinics and hospitals with emergency rooms to remote rural areas. This funding is also being used to recruit more students to become nurses and to encourage med students to look at specialties without enough doctors, such as rheumatology and primary care.

Those seem like pretty good things to me. Would you cover them?

Any podcast or other would-be media outlet is biased, by definition, if it only gives listeners one side of a story. You are part of the problem that is dividing good Americans from one another.
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About The Ben Ferguson Podcast ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of The Ben Ferguson Podcast.


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