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The Bechdel Cast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Bechdel Cast
The Bechdel Cast iHeartPodcasts
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4 ▲ 1 US
72 ▲ 4 US

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Our curated selection of reviews

spensermarley 05/16/2024
These women are incredibly intelligent, HILARIOUS, they have great banter with each other and their guests. they give me the language to explain to friends or randoms at the bar why movies are bad (when applicable) and how our entertainment has perpetuated the stereotypes and marginalization of women and minorities. It’s educational and so so fun. They’re the best and you should listen to all 500 episodes
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clgraph 02/24/2024
I love this podcast. I’ve been listening since 2018 and have been a “Matreon” off and on since then. This podcast has completely changed the way I view all media. I have a much more critical eye and am looking forward to teaching my daughter about how to reflect on the media she is consuming. Caitlin and Jaime are so incredibly intelligent and think about movies and the representation of oppressed genders in ways that I was never exposed to as a young adult.

However, there are a few aspects of the show that have made me pause and sometimes decide to listen to something else. First, sometimes I feel like there is derogatory language used towards older generations, mostly by Jaime. She sometimes criticizes the “Boomer” generation and while her criticisms are often valid, I wonder if some of my views, as a 41 year old woman, would be discounted due to my age. Finally, for two women who are so brilliant, their lack of descriptors for things they don’t like can be juvenile and limited. They use the phrase “peepee poopoo” to describe all things they don’t like and it can be very irritating to me.
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banjobabe89 04/08/2024
This is such a funny, insightful podcast that is undermined by crappy editing in almost every episode. The show frequently plays parts of discussions multiple times—sometimes for 5 minutes or more at a pass. Five stars for content but jeez, get it together.
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Surfdude 8million 03/26/2024
I grew up watching movies that said ‘negging’ and ‘wearing her down’ was ok. Thank you for giving me the vocabulary as to why that’s just bad behavior and storytelling. I will do my best to pass that on to my sons. It’s a good podcast. Y’all should listen.
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About The Bechdel Cast ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of The Bechdel Cast.


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