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The Audible - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Audible
The Audible Footballguys
Position Change Category Country
24 - US

Fantasy Sports - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Perdusa 09/28/2023
The dynamic between Sigmund & Cecil is excellent. A blend of fun commentary and super useful information. A weekly listen for me to feel comfortable before setting lineups and talking football.
Id@ho 10/09/2023
Fun podcast. It’s like listening to 2 Simpsons characters on acid discuss fantasy football. They mostly get it right, but are liable to spin off on tangents like positive vibrations or the fabric of the universe. In any case: an insightful, refreshing take on FF.
Aaron Weiner 04/05/2024
Smart and charming. Great analysis, fun insider type content, and some good life lessons included for free. Love the chemistry between Bloom and Lammey.
Mishradude123 11/29/2022
Even if he didn’t know what he was talking about (he does), I would still listen. Love the charisma, delivery, and banter in a fantasy football landscape that often lacks some.

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About The Audible ranking

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