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The Athletic Hockey Show - Podcast Rankings and reviews

The Athletic Hockey Show
The Athletic Hockey Show The Athletic
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5 - US

Hockey - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

John Avery1 01/16/2021
Really enjoy this podcast; unlike other hockey podcast this isn’t full of juvenile conversations and or cussing. Refreshing to hear!
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ENS Pod #1 Fan 07/21/2023
If you’re familiar with The Athletic (which I am as a paying subscriber), you know that all of these people are super talented!

But the inconsistency between hosts in terms of style makes every episode really different. I would check out a few before passing judgement, and remember who you do and don’t like.
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SuperKaese 11/15/2023
Still enjoy some of the current hosts and content but it’s no longer appointment listening for me like Tues and Thurs used to be. Old lineup 5 stars. Current lineup 3.5 stars?
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Pete L Mitchell 06/30/2024
I appreciate that you put out a quick post-draft pod, however, the sound was terrible. This happened to be the first time I listened to the show so I’m not sure how it is other times, but maybe find better microphones and a quieter setting next time? How about the hotel room instead of the lobby? Content wise, I’d say it was fairly good.
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Binny1984 06/20/2023
So much idle and just plain dull chit-chat between the hosts. Takes a solid 10 minutes to get into any serious topics, and even then it still seems so amateurish. I have tried this show multiple times and just can’t sit through it. The Athletic needs to hire a real producer who can whip this into shape. Please give us a tight, well-edited, well-spoken 30-45 minutes on hockey. I am sure you have the talent for it, but you need more discipline and more professionalism.
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Masmall99 07/08/2022
Listened to your podcast for the first time and was impressed with the depth of discussion regarding the NHL draft first round. However, I was very disappointed in the use of the f-bombs and just don’t get why you feel the need to bring that to the discussion. It comes off as unprofessional and alienates those who may want to listen but have kids around a lot or just prefer not to hear that language. It’s a shame because without that this would be a top notch podcast. Perhaps you’ll consider reevaluating the need to use such colorful language. It does not add value or to your cool factor and just seemed out of place with the bulk of the show.

Your show, your rules but just wanted to provide some feedback that might be of benefit. Couldn’t you just refrain from that for the sake of some of your audience? Given the current format, I’ll probably choose other avenues to get the info I’m looking for. Its a shame because your content was solid.

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About The Athletic Hockey Show ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of The Athletic Hockey Show.


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