I look forward to this podcast every single week! Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, and Ryan and Bryce do a fantastic job of giving you a behind the scenes look at Smallville while also infusing it with a lot of humor and heart. I feel like I’m sitting around with friends just listening to them talk and joke around while also giving great insights and having special guests. Even if I didn’t love Smallville I would still love this podcast. It’s my favorite SHOW in general right now, not just my favorite podcast!
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It’s a lot of fun hearing behind the scenes stories, actors honing their craft, and many stories of the show from guests including stars and production crew, including the show creators. Tom is the ever optimist, Rosie craps on the show (honestly pointing out errors), Engineer Ryan sees the show through fresh eyes, Editor Jason does an amazing job, Producer Bryce never picks my questions when I call in. Very enjoyable! I keep coming back for more and even restarted my rewatch & relisten to past episodes of the show & podcast 💜
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I’ve recently started rewatching small vile, and though this rewatch podcast seemed like a great way to do it. Let me say this upfront… I’m struggling with small vile. The show didn’t age well for me, and it’s been torturous to watch. And so, Rosenbaum not liking the show doesn’t bother me, cause the show does have a lot of flaws. That being said, Talkville is its own kind of torture. I listened for 3 seasons hoping it would get better, but yikes. If you’re looking for an in depth, passionate look at the show…. This isn’t it. Here’s why- 1. The actors remember almost nothing about filming the show, the story, the characters, or the lore. 2. The hosts don’t care enough to actually watch the show. While the say they watch the episodes, They miss huge parts of episodes, don’t connect previous episodes and plot lines, and generally miss the point. 3. They don’t have anyone on the show to clarify Superman lore or Easter eggs, so they often comment on unrecognized Easter eggs and references, often criticizing them since they don’t know what they are. 4. Rosie (lex) is a total ego maniac. He cuts everyone off continuously, poorly reads summaries of episodes he clearly didn’t watch, and often makes fun of the show and the fans. Granted there’s a lot to make fun of, but show some class dude. Rosie also continually talks over Ryan, one of the cohosts, and any guests that show up. The dude can’t stand not being the center of attention. 5. The best part of the show, Ryan, is given few opportunities to talk, never gets to interact with the guests, and when the guests try to talk to him, Rosie butts in and takes over. Despite this, there are a couple bright spots- 1. Ryan is a co-host watching the show for the first time, and easily the best part of the show. He seems to generally enjoy it and he’s often being introduced to the world of smallville for the first time, and it’s cool when he gets to meet the guests who once were on the show. They just don’t utilize him nearly enough. 2. The guests are usually awesome, such as co stars and the creators and writers of the show. They all usually seem so much more enthusiastic than the actual hosts of the podcast. So, anyway, I would give this one a pass. Maybe listen to episodes where they have guests.
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