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The information here is incredible. This isn’t news one can walk outside and obtain. It’s hard hitting, up-to-date, boots-on-the-ground news which is brought to us sitting on our couches from a pool of journalists who some have risked lives to obtain It should be commended. Those harking on the logo seem to miss the point, while simultaneously seemingly unappreciative of the free insights provided. From a design perspective, the logo is a knockout, indicating in one picture a fractured state, a country being torn apart. It’s rather ingenious and I don’t think it’s rude or in bad taste. It conveys specifically what the content is, in a simple idea. If one is going to boycott or take a stand against a conduit for information, there should be an issue with the information itself, not how it’s packaged. From a design perspective, I can’t see how you would relate the content within any better. Now, if Ukrainians en mass have an issue with how it’s portrayed, then maybe listen to them but I’m pretty sure Ukrainians would rather you hear the content within then debate the logo out front. I doubt anyone could design a logo that echoes a country in the throes of a bombed out takeover attempt any better.
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A fantastic, informational podcast, with lots of good up to date news. BUT, the cover art is rather inappropriate at this time period and the state of the world.
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NPR always gives me complete and insightful news that I trust. But I must agree with other comments about the logo. Please consider a new logo sooner rather than later.
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Good short segments that give you a personnel insight to what is going on inside Ukraine
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State of Ukraine was an excellent podcast that kept listeners up to date on a variety of topics pertaining to life in Ukraine and Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine. NPR rebranded the podcast as State of the World, which provides far less information about Ukraine. World events are important, of course, but NPR has many other ways to share that information with listeners. I only listen to episodes about Ukraine, and wish there was more coverage.
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I’ve been listening to NPR’s Ukraine news coverage for a while now for their unique perspective and news stories, but I’m disappointed with their recent more obvious one-sided coverage, particularly with the cluster munitions story. C’mon NPR. You can do better journalism.
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