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Start Here - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Start Here
Start Here ABC News
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16 ▼ 1 US
59 ▼ 5 US

Daily News - Last 7 Days Ranking

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Disappointed Dog Lover in DC 12/16/2024
I've been listening to Start Here daily since 2021, my sophomore year of college. I got two bachelors degrees, one in journalism, and though I don't work in the field I find the show fun, informative, and generally ethical and well-researched.

However, I was very disappointed by One Last Thing on today's episode. The team clearly did not take the time or effort to research the inhumane, cruel, and disgusting industries that are puppy mills and the pet stores that prop them up. By only speaking to a NY state legislator and not the dedicated activists behind the anti-mill movement, and instead choosing to platform a puppy miller, you have provided a lopsided and unfair view of the issue.

In puppy mills, female dogs are bred until their uteruses prolapse. No health testing is done, so puppies are frequently born sick or become chronically ill very early on. When dogs can no longer breed, they are shot. Not humanely euthanized. Shot. I have a puppy mills rescue and she will forever be traumatized because for the first eight months of her life, she was kept in a cage smaller than herself. She never touched grass or saw outside until she was rescued at eight months. My mother was involved in the passage of Illinois' puppy mills sales ban and because of that I am well aware that the pet stores are provided with ample opportunity to sell from ETHICAL BREEDERS or rescues - but ETHICAL breeders won't sell to pet stores, because pet stores are so notorious for disgusting, cruel and disdainful treatment of the animals in their care. I am very disappointed with the disregard for truthful coverage this issue was shown. There are more important things than unethical puppy millers bottom lines - these dogs' lives. Do better! You always have in the past.
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ndheudmfjrk 11/13/2024
I feel refreshed after listening to this podcast each day. They do a great days on daily happenings with helpful clarification on why it matters. I find them non-biased - which is super refreshing. Great job - you are not fake news, you are the real deal! I have shared with my friends and we all agree.
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ET-F 12/16/2024
I have listened almost every day for many years. Brad asks great questions. Often they are “dumb” questions lol or “devil’s advocate” questions that The Daily would be just too fancy to ask. That’s what I love. There is a kind of open mindedness to the episodes. An attitude of real curiosity and positivity even in the face of all the global and local horrors. It’s a good vibe.
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Megan P-E 11/01/2024
Concise, honest, and fair coverage of all the events going on. I really enjoy starting my day with Start Here. Most especially love Fridays when Brad starts listing the amazing team that works on this show, because I know the weekend is at hand! Would love to challenge Brad to a one last thing pun war any day. Thanks all!
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Looking for an Honest Man 12/03/2024
My wife and I used Start Here as our morning wake up ritual. Brad used to do a very good job. The problem is, Brad has gotten more and more cutesy and punny. Also, Brad hasn’t decided if he wants to be a newscaster, or a salesman for ads. Sorry, Brad, you can’t or at least shouldn’t do both. You are either someone I trust to give me the news honestly, or you are someone trying to sell me soap. I don’t trust the latter person. So, I’m sticking to my principles. I’m unsubscribing. If you ever decide you are a reporter, we’ll be back.
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JSTrumps 12/03/2024
Look, the podcast is generated by ABC News and has some good stuff. However, every time I tell Siri to play the latest episode, I cringe and hope that Brad isn’t the host that day. His voice and personality are juvenile and make the entire show cringey. Whether he is genuinely uninformed or simply plays the roll so that uninformed listeners will relate, the guy just comes off as someone who isn’t qualified to be a reporter or journalist. He’s credibility is low as he asks embarrassing and obvious questions.

Guest hosts are generally great to excellent and come off as relaxed while still being professional, which leads me to believe that the persona that Brad projects isn’t part of a strategy to simplify news for unsophisticated listeners, but rather just a poor choice for host.

ABC produces excellent news, this morning podcast is below their standards. I’d change my rating to five stars if they’d replace Brad with a competent, intelligent, articulate reporter. Or, if there genuinely is a market for Brad, have a parallel morning news podcast that doesn’t feature a man-child.
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