Top 100 podcasts Charts

Soder - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Soder Dan Soder
Position Change Category Country
103 ▼ 21 US
5 ▼ 1 US

Comedy - Last 7 Days Ranking

Stand-Up - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

PresidentWill 03/03/2024
A true epic of a podcast. Ever episode leaves me feeling completely enlightened. Dan Soder, the most relatable comedian to have walked this spinning blue marble, is a master of conversation, a magician with impressions, and one of the most welcoming podcast hosts I’ve bared witness to. While no longer lending his talents to SXM’s ‘The Bonfire’, his flame still crackles on with ‘Soder’.
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Devynpmua 07/07/2024
This is the only show that I actually know the release day and wake up stoked to listen. Dan has been my favorite for years and I just love him more with every episode.

I always like the guests he brings on and appreciate that it’s not just the same big names on every pod doing their circuits before their specials- I was introduced to several comedians I had never listened to before and became fans of them as well. I was so sad when he left Bonfire but this was the perfect replacement.
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TheTJKennedy 02/21/2024
Some comedians try to be super serious on their podcasts and it comes off completely unnatural and even a little preachy (cough cough, tosh). Soder is the opposite, all about having a fun, genuine conversation first and letting the laughs dictate the flow of each podcast. This and Matt and Shane’s podcast are my top two comedy pods.
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FoodsbyLover 02/28/2024
I could listen to Dan all day, and sometimes do. His brain works on a different level than most and his ability to quickly connect things makes him one of the best comics out there.
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