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Significant Lovers - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Significant Lovers
Significant Lovers Kelly Anderson, Melissa Duffy, Kaitlyn Anderson
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197 ▼ 13 US

Our curated selection of reviews

Zinlander 06/21/2023
I listened to every episode of Kel and Mel’s other podcast (Another Bite of Twilight) and loved every minute of it. They are so funny and have great chemistry as podcast hosts. I was very excited for their new show and they did not disappoint. Every week it gives me my pop culture fix.
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Te$$a 09/19/2023
I have been a fan of these fantastic ladies since their ABoT podcast and was instantly a fan! I love their expansion and the new show. It feels like you’re sitting with your friends listening to them give you the deep dish on interesting couples. I find myself enthralled in the stories even when I know little about the weekly couple. Informational and entertaining!
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musiclover112233 11/07/2024
I never leave reviews and I just have to share how much I love this podcast!! The girls spend so much time researching each couple and every episode is so fun to listen to. I understand and appreciate how much work goes into these eps and they’re awesome!! I subscribe to the Patreon too- best podcast for a road trip or to have on while you work! Please never stop the podcast!
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InstagramUser4710 05/25/2023
I love the idea of this podcast and really appreciate the hard work of researching these hosts do. Especially when discussing human beings, complex as we are, it can be difficult to navigate correctly all the time — so I want to give kudos to these two sweet hosts for the work they do!

That being said, after listening to the most recent episode (JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bassett) where they specifically stated they didn’t want to hear any more constructive criticism, I feel compelled to share some (compassionate!) honesty.

These hosts do approach sensitive topics in a less than professional manner, that can come off at best immature, and at worst, insensitive. I noticed this on the Camilla/Charles episode as well, but particularly on the JFK Jr. episode, this was uncomfortable.

Giggling about JFK’s assassination, JFK and Carolyn’s abuse of one another, and the “Kennedy curse” is probably not the best idea on a public podcast. Of course I am sure this comes from feeling uncomfortable with the content and not a malicious place, but when you have placed yourselves in the public eye to discuss these issues, things should be treated with more respect and professionalism than they might be in private.

It felt a bit ironic that they were getting tone so wrong on this episode, where they expressly stated they didn’t want any more honest reviews. I do think entrenched misogyny is what causes some reviewers to leave comments about these hosts’ voices, sing-song styles or laughs, and that is not fair. But asking for more sensitivity and maturity when discussing peoples’ lives is not cruel to point out.

When we put ourselves in a place of authority by speaking on these topics publicly in the media, we take on responsibility and accountability. That certainly doesn’t mean we always have to be perfect, but it does mean we have to hear others’ perspectives and experiences and be willing to grow and improve.

I enjoyed their previous podcast as well (shoutout Twilight!) and understand that shifting to a podcast with real people and more scrupulous listeners can be difficult. But I do hope these hosts will grow in their perspective of how they talk about issues and pause before reacting, or even edit out reactions that may in hindsight not have worked!, to pay a bit more respect to these topics.

I look forward to continuing to listen to their show and someday feeling confident leaving them a well-deserved five-star review.
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anaggrgry 09/29/2023
unfortunately, i really like this show but the unexciting couples are given to normal listeners and the good relevant ones are behind a paywall, its really frustrating and has made me want to drop the show entirely especially after they had a two part where one was free and the other was behind a paywall. i get it. make your money, but it is just not super enticing to hear about prince charles and camilla but you have to pay to hear about drake and rihanna. like maybe give us a breadcrumb or two? not everyone can afford to pay for your patreon, but nonpaying listeners are just as important. other podcasts use patreon for exciting bonus content or extras, but dont make the regular listener feel like theyre missing the entire show just because theyd rather have money go towards food or something, and paying for a patreon is like an added treat for a show you especially like. at this point, i dont even know if i really like the show enough to pay for it because all the worst episodes are free, and all the good sounding ones arent
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