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I found you by accident in 2016 and am so glad I did! Thank you for standing against the status quo and asking questions no one else does. You have said even when you don’t share the same views as your guests you still want to engage the discussion and that is what is missing in MSM and the world all over. I will support you and your sponsors even if the topic is something I don’t agree with simply because YOU have allowed the discussion to take place. Thank you for all you do and all you sacrifice to bring this to your audience!
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Awesome guests, great conversations. New information and new ideas presented in actionable ways. If find Sean to be authentic and genuinely concerned and committed to finding the truth and teaching the listeners and learning together, all the political, legal, philosophical and spiritual questions we all face daily. Thanks SGT!!
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Have been listening for years and am never disappointed. Very consistent and always bringing interesting and informative shows. Best part is that he is not afraid to name them - unlike every other fraud in the space. Brave and honest.
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Have followed SGT for *years* on YouTube, but often inconvenient cuz I'd have to listen with the YouTube app in the foreground on my phone or it would stop playing. I often listen at night and dimmed my phone because I don't care about the video 99% of the time. SO AWESOME to have this audio only podcast version now!!!! Way to go Sean!!!
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I love the host and his style, but some of his guests are totally out there. Had a flat earth guy on there to debunk SpaceX, but went on a total flat earth tangent and none of the proofs hold water... if you wanna have a great podcast, don’t waste my time with guests who claim to have proofs that you haven’t vetted yourself. There were so many good opportunities to discuss FOIA requests on private companies who carry out tasks like space exploration, but instead it was an infomercial about flat earth and some guys $2 app he threw his career away for...
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