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Many indispensable critiques of cultural liberalism here… but I feel like the hosts ultimately succumb to the same impulse of self-distinguishing individualism that they chafe against—like the whole “not like other girls” m.o. of the “dirtbag left.” For me, still very much worth listening.
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Get a couple of used copies of Paul Goldberger’s The City Observed, an architectural tour of Manhattan from the Custom House to Spuyten Duyvil. It’s out of print but it’s by far the best book on New York since Fitzgerald’s Lost City and will amaze you.
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A fine podcast and to have two young lefty women in the current age who avoid the lure of emotional logic and can objectively (yet often very humorously) parse current events is fantastic.
But for my next point I want to establish that I am NOT misophonic: the vocal fry is very annoying. Please god force more air through your throats! About a 3rd of the time I can't finish an episode for the vocal mannerisms....otherwise, a big thumbs up!
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The lady who’s obsessed with all things Russian makes insightful observations about the topics discussed. The other lady seems to act as the hype man in this duo, once in awhile offering a difference of opinion. It’s hard to suss out when the blasé contrarianism is an ironic shtick. It can be very amusing or eye-rolly, depending on the context and delivery. I will Listen to more of these. Loved the Adam Curtis interview.
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I really tried to like this podcast,but they pretend to be representing the views of working class women on feminism and as a working class single mother who has lived in poverty my whole life, has only working class friends without college degrees, I have to say they are way off the mark. Most of the working class women I’ve known wouldn’t even listen to this podcast due to the image they use, finding it degrading to women or in poor taste. But according to red scare, only uptight wealthy white feminists would feel that way. I’m also deeply concerned to hear these podcasters say women should choose to use their bodies and “sexuality “ to get ahead. As most working class women know from experience because we have had to do that just to feed our kids, not because we choose to, that is the opposite of empowering and leftists should be fighting for a world where that’s not the best option women have for getting ahead instead of excusing it at the expense of the most vulnerable women in society. Also sex is a lot less liberating when you’re poor and have no access to abortion or affordable reproductive health care, like most of the poor in the US. Consider that before talking about how great sex is for women and anyone who disagrees must be an uptight white woman clutching her pearls. On the other hand, y’all seem more committed to making yourselves a comfy living by catering to a target audience with money than leftism. Just like the woke liberals you criticize.
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I implore you to dig further into exactly why hosting Steve Bannon of all people is horrific. BehindTheBastards did an excellent episode on him that I highly encourage you to listen to, as well as following the excruciatingly sourced info linked with the episode. Don’t ever trust a word that man says. He only agreed to come on a show like this to humanize himself to the left. He’s a war monger and propagandist who has a huge hand in Trump becoming president in the first place.
I was rooting for you. I was so excited when I found you. I couldn’t wait to shout to the rooftops spreading the word. I can no longer do that after this.
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