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Political Gabfest - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Political Gabfest
Political Gabfest Slate Podcasts
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80 ▲ 75 US
31 ▲ 63 US

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Politics - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

MercyInNormal 07/30/2024
I’ve been a listener for well over ten years, and I just love this show. The hosts have amazing rapport, and every week they cover important political matters. The discussions are thoughtful and thought-provoking. I feel a little bit smarter every time I listen! Plus, they’re clearly having a lot of fun together, and the guests are always great! I could go on …
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The Ebony Avenger 08/30/2024
I have listened to the Political Gabfest for quite some time. I've enjoyed the show on the whole. As a long-time listener, I am accustomed to the hosts and their biases. David Plotz takes on contrarian stands occasionally. His ridiculous championing of Michael Bloomberg as a credible presidential candidate is a perfect example. A billionaire capitalist with some liberal-leaning social policy positions was the wrong person for the moment. It was mildly humorous watching Bloomberg try to run as a Democrat and easily get destroyed by Elizabeth Warren during a Democratic debate in 2019. The quick collapse of that candidacy afterward couldn't have been more proof of how wrong David was.

The tragedy that is Gaza has become a new example of the same problem. The attack on October 7, 2023, was a vicious and brutal assault on innocent Israelis. The senseless death and destruction inflicted on the Palestinian people since that date have been equally vicious and brutal. It has highlighted the apartheid-like system that Palestinians in Israel live under. It should be easier to discuss the topic.

Emily made it impossible to take her seriously when she labeled legitimate criticism of Josh Shapiro’s position on Israel as anti-Semitic. His unwavering support of Israel's conduct was a legitimate topic of discussion. We don't have to look any further back than to the Obama and George W. Bush administrations to find examples of Vice Presidents who had a significant influence on policy. What Shapiro thought about Middle Eastern foreign policy was a credible subject for conversation. It could have been done without prejudice becoming a factor.

John has attempted to stay above the fray on most difficult subjects. He has wanted to appear as impartial as possible. John has tried to keep a credible distance between his opinions and discussing political policy. If John couldn't, he would simply go silent. Nonetheless, he is a Christian and a moralist. As such, John has been challenged by Donald Trump’s immoral and corrupting force in our politics. This has caused his veil of neutrality to slip from time to time. I don't mind it.

We all have biases that cloud our judgment. Let's be honest about them.
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Fuji apple 05/09/2024
Really enjoy your podcast, which allows me to disassociate while completing my morning rowing workout, while listening to intelligent conversations. I like this group, who don’t always agree, but who are always civil. Please disregard the naysayers in these comments, and consider doing a podcast twice a week. One comment regards the podcast rules (apparently). I became a subscriber and wanted to review older podcasts, but found out I was only allowed access to the subscriber section for about a year back. Is this a penalty for subscribing late?
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FWalkerH 05/17/2024
It’s been a few years since I stumbled on to the PG; but now I feel like one of the listener family. (Note that for quite a while—till I finally researched beyond the audio feed—John Dickerson was the only voice I could put a face to; but now—like family members chatting round the kitchen table—I see/hear you all!) In any case, I too applaud you for your chemistry, your impressive intellects, your ability to communicate, your collective Wit (& the more ascerbic, the better), plus some interesting guests & road trip shows. I’m also a fan of Cocktail Chatter & am a Slate Plus member. As someone who—as a constant companion for a disabled spouse—must stay close to home for most of my daily hours, I really look forward to my weekly Gabfest fix. THX & Keep gabbing! —Frank H., Petoskey, Michigan
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Krabgrl 07/18/2024
Whoever decided to remove the bonus content for Slate Plus subscribers from the main program episode and create a separate shorty “BONUS” episode should be fired. I already subscribe to the Slate Plus feed for specific shows. I shouldn’t have to select 2 separate episodes to get the same content I used to get in one Slate Plus episode. This new format is definitely a inexplicable step backwards. Do you really think your paying Slate Plus subscribers are stupid enough to believe they’re now getting more paywalled content with this repackaging? Please go back to the old episode format and quit junking up my feed!
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Zack o Macka 01/04/2025
Having listened to this podcast for 15+ years, I’ve witnessed its descent into mediocrity. Years ago, the gabfest was full of lively commentary. But at some point in the last few years, the hosts became scarcely disguised cheerleaders for the Democratic Party. John, in particular, has become a shill, and mainly repeats the Dem talking points of the moment. His prominence at CBS has made a bad situation worse, as he can’t discuss anything that might offend progressive sensibilities. Their coverage of Covid and then the failed Biden and then Harris campaigns was unilluminating and, frankly, boring. The Dispatch and the NR Editors podcasts are far more interesting as they cover multiple dimensions of each key issue. Hope the gabfest trio can rebound—but the only way that will happen is if they do some soul searching.
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