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Planet Money - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Planet Money
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Our curated selection of reviews

Planet J. 10/25/2020
I love listening to every episode by Planet Money, especially unexpected ones. They make topics that would normally not grab my attention some of the most interesting (and funny!) content. I enjoy the political episodes, as the economy and our politics are predictably intertwined, and the hosts break it down in an accessible and fair way. Planet Money is not a hardcore economist podcast. It makes all of its topics approachable for anyone of any background, such as myself who has never stepped foot into an economics or business class (I studied sciences). Thank you, Planet Money, for making long drives less mundane.
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Kailush :) 08/06/2021
I’ve been listening to Planet Money for about seven years now, and I think it takes the cake for being the most influential podcast on my life, so far. Over the years, it has introduced me to subjects such as index funds, thinking on the margin, the Pigou club (carbon tax), Ben Bernanke, the origin of television re-runs, human genome patents, and Modern Monetary Theory. It is also the reason I am now an avid beekeeper (“The Bees Go To California” episode). Thanks for inspiring me to learn more about economics.
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Shagfly 09/18/2020
Planet Money is one of those podcasts that you try because a friend suggested it. You’re geeky is this? But after a few episodes you find you can’t wait for those COVID-19 walks around the neighborhood on Thursday because you can’t wait to hear what they have to share with you. The team does excellent reporting. They keep it balanced, and each episode is thoughtful and much more interesting than you expected. I love this team and what they do! You will, too!
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pfjaded 10/15/2020
I once heard Planet Money described as the “talking economics over a beer” podcast and that holds true. I tend to get overwhelmed with economic or financial talk (especially right now) but the Planet Money team always manages to break things down enough that I can wrap my brain around it and feel less in over my head. Thank you!
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jonny1277 09/06/2020
I have listened to this podcast for years. I can’t do it any longer. The content of 2020 is filled with politics and one sided opinion in every episode. I originally started listening for some fun, interesting economics/news. Now all they talk about are politics. I understand my source and don’t expect completely unbiased opinions, but the last few months have been unrelenting. I can get the same content elsewhere if I really wanted it. I guess a politically middle of the road subscriber is not the audience they are trying to entertain.
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the listener 1812 11/27/2022
Within the first ten minutes of their most recent episode their guest suggested that college students and people with low income shouldn’t feel bad about taking on credit card debt because they are effectively borrowing from their future self who will be much richer. This is ludicrous you are realistically borrowing from the credit card company at likely a high 20s percentage point. I’m disappointed that someone would advise young, impressionable college students to go crazy with credit card debt after they are likely already finding themselves embroiled in the student loan crisis.
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