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Plain English with Derek Thompson - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Plain English with Derek Thompson
Plain English with Derek Thompson The Ringer
Position Change Category Country
88 ▼ 12 US
19 ▼ 1 US

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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Big Tuna Stamford Branch 06/27/2024
I regularly listen to at least 20 podcasts, and this one is hands-down the smartest podcast out there in terms of conveying the key information about issues and trends in a digestible and enjoyable manner. Keep up the excellent work!
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AmazingAsis 12/14/2024
Excellently curated topics, content, and guests. The host is concise and leans into what he knows; and acknowledges what he may not. Overall, just a great show.
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Jkmtres 08/02/2024
Well researched and intelligent content. He deals with topical subjects and goes deep. Derek also has a great speaking voice.
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makejjeje 08/06/2024
Such a smart and insightful dude. Always brings experts into the show, but he does his research before. Couldn’t recommend it enough.
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Very disappointing 12334564 11/23/2024
Used to be my favorite podcast until this fall with politics - very biased, hateful, dismissive, and plainly rude regarding anything center or center/right. I don’t trust his objectivity or rationality on any topic anymore. Plus, the pretentious rants are annoying. He barely lets his guests speak. How can a person hosting a podcast talk too much?? Not sure how it’s possible but he does. Very sad to be unsubscribing. Hopefully he’ll get the show back on track in the future.
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stacey94610 12/26/2024
I have to admit to finally dropping this podcast after hearing the Burkeman “interview.” Three BIG reasons: Johnson barely interviews Burkeman, instead talking a lot about himself and how much he knows. Second, he is not self-aware enough to realize that he is not the first overwhelmed/enamored new parent in the planet. Ad nauseum kid talk is alienating. Third, Burkeman barely gets a word in, unless it to be made to forcibly agree with Johnson.
Burkeman’s writing is wonderful, gently insightful, full of practical and thoughtful wisdom. It’s a shame Johnson failed to share that and actively squashed every opportunity for the listener to be engaged.
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About Plain English with Derek Thompson ranking

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