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Park Predators - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Park Predators
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130 ▼ 17 US
23 ▼ 2 US

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True Crime - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

LollyListener 06/21/2024
I listen to numerous podcasts throughout the week, including five additional true crime podcasts. This is by far, my favorite. Delia consistently delivers an impeccable storyline, thoughtfully articulated, always making sure to carefully deliver fact based information based on her investigative research. As a listener, I always feel the genuine care and concern she reflects in her voice when sharing these heartbreaking stories. Kudos to Delia and this wonderful podcast.
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BlondeVodka 09/11/2024
Finally! A true crime podcast from an actual journalist. You may see other reviews that criticize how she presents the story, including citing sources. But I think most people are used to podcasts with hosts who just read books of someone else’s research and then rip off their hard work by regurgitating that information in the form of a podcast. This is what a crime podcast sounds like from an actual journalist, with real true crime reporting. She does her own real research, submits her own FOIA requests to get more information, reads court documents and gives credit when she is pulling from other journalists. I feel like a lot of people listening aren’t used to real crime reporting in a podcast. So much so that they find it unsettling when she actually cites her sources, uses quotes, uses anatomically correct language, etc. That’s journalistic integrity. Highly recommend.
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Connilu 07/07/2022
The narrator is amazing. The stories, while tragic, are very interesting and not the same recycled ones you hear on every other podcast. This is a must have for your weekly true crime listening.
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Lyndsss* 08/02/2022
it’s one of the only podcasts i listen to all the way through every week. delia is super thorough and has such a calming voice. 10/10
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Dixie T. 09/10/2022
Question - is this that poorly researched, or does this podcast willfully ignore any social, historical, and cultural context that doesn’t fit the episode’s storyline ? The Congo episode spent more time praising the park’s Belgian warden for doing his job instead of living in one his family’s many castles than it spent talking about the history of colonial violence in the DRC that lead to these events. It didn’t even mention that Belgium colonized the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poorly researched and poorly executed.
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jdjsjsjkska 09/05/2023
I’ve listened to many episodes before coming to the conclusion that Delia just seems to be another wanna be Crime Junkie, only she seems to only care about monetizing the horrible deaths of others and does nothing other than read from a couple of articles, not attempting to uncover what really happened for the remaining family or anything close to it. She talks in just a monotone voice like she has almost no care for the victims she’s talking about. The way she talks about victims that have been SA’d is beyond unsettling to me and why I think it’s so normalized now. It’s not normal, so stop talking about it like it is. I wanted to like this podcast so badly since Crime Junkie has been advertising it. But if this is the road true crime podcasts are going down… you should really start thinking if you’re really the good guys for putting out such content. Shame.
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