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Kara is a stellar interviewer and gets A-class guests. I like that she is well informed on the topic and pushes back in the interview to get at a deeper understanding than having just listened to the guest lecture (which I feel happens in other podcasts). Only rarely do you need to tone it down a touch (though you are always respectful and the point isn’t for everyone to agree at the end and your viewpoint is very clear and I would hate if you overcorrected in this area so maybe it is all just fine)
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When I first listened to Kara, I didn’t like her, but now she is an indispensable part of my week. While I learned that she is thoughtfully provocative, “On” takes this to a new level. She and Nayeema Raza seem to talk about the “why” of choices, not just the “what”…and that is both interesting and compelling. The first one was so good, I’m going to listen to it again!
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Love-love-love Kara Swisher, always, and the addition of Nayeema Raza at the mic is a huge boon! “On” is Up: two thumbs up, to cite a cliche. (Nayeema has the same level of energy as Scott Galloway, albeit in a different direction: just delightful and an equally perfect foil to Kara.) Smart, insightful, bold, inquisitive, considered, quippy, informed; looking forward to adding another fabulous recurring Swisher-verse entry to my weekly podcast rotation!
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When I heard this podcast was basically taking the place of Sway, I expected this podcast to be Sway but with new packaging. But it’s more! So far episodes have included informal discussion with Kara and Nayeema Raza. Nayeema is unafraid to ask Kara questions, push back, or disagree, which makes their conversations more interesting. And of course the pod includes the interviews we have come to know and love from the Sway days. Worth a listen.
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I could just listen to Nayeema and Kara banter - they’ve got such a good dynamic. Love how Nayeema makes Kara laugh. Of course, Kara makes a very compelling case to listen to the interview too and doesn’t disappoint. Smart show, it’s become one of my favorites!
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I want to love this podcast so much—but Kara is so contrary to literally everyone (including her cohost) that I often have to stop listening half way through. I’ve never felt so turned off by someone so interesting and smart. She’s the opposite of “yes, and” and I often feel she says “you’re wrong” even when she agrees. It’s grating and makes for a terrible interview. It’s very clear she’s annoyed by almost everyone—maybe it’s time to move on from interviewing if that’s the case.
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