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New Discourses - Podcast Rankings and reviews

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jcon211 06/10/2023
James is a very effective communicator of ideas and truths I need to understand more thoroughly. I teach history, government and politics to high students and listening and learning from this podcast will help me become a better classroom teacher. My students I teach, mostly high school seniors are hungry for truth and the freedom to discuss ideas. I am so thankful to have access to such a brilliant thinker like James Lindsay.
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LVLBRT 07/10/2023
Anyone wanting to know what’s happening in our American culture today, the push toward communism, the fundamental transformation of America - James expertly lays out. Don’t be put off by his intelligence or big words, he’s a natural and doesn’t do it to show off.

The bullet podcast episodes are short and concise, for us regular people and more than prepares us for understanding the different power plays in society and debates.

Highly recommend his podcasts on struggle session and how to deal with them. Actually, listen to each one!!!

Thanks James!!!!!
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Takoateli 07/13/2023
James never disappoints.Every episode is a succinct explanation of topical issues with x-ray vision insight.
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64SquishyOranges 09/23/2023
Dr. Lindsay has an incredible mind capable of cutting through complicated academic jargon to get to the root of dangerous ideas like critical theories and sociopolitical instantiations of these ideas like socioemotional learning. That being said, his reasoning can sometimes be a bit hard to follow and so it’s hard to tell if his evidence always supports his claim. Easily one of the most important voices of our day!
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Nic47372 10/31/2023
Right leaning propaganda and opinion disguised as intellectual and factual. Inflammatory ideas, black and white thinking, polarizing. Interesting, but take it with a grain of salt. Could be manipulative for individuals looking for answers or a sense of community in the wrong places. The host talks in absolute, and subjective terms, using words like “they” and “you”. To paint it as if the *entire* left uses this *one* book Beautiful Trouble written in the 1960’s as the bible for their activism is grossly overgeneralizing. Where’s the proof? Or is this just opinion? To say the left knows exactly how to get police to beat them up at protests, for the purpose of painting the police in a bad light, is saying the police have absolutley none of their own agency to make their own choices and they’re being forced by the left to commit such crimes of brutality is just outright ludicrous. The language used seems very personal like he’s talking directly to a viewer in an intimate way, and validating all of their fears the right has been stoking for decades to win votes while they accomplish nothing for the general masses. We need to fight the disease of the broken system, instead of fighting the smoke and mirrors and symptoms. People need to come together and see things through an intellectual critical lens, and form communities instead of being driven further apart by this type of propaganda.
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Sabot6 03/24/2024
You are on the right track but you to provide enough application to what you are proposing. For example, the episode call the Affordance Trap. You basically spend 12 minutes repeating that this is what an affordance trap is but you do t give practical examples and enough examples on how to beat it. On the right track but provide more application please.
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